Friday, January 4, 2013

Olarra/Cipot/Bea Grab bag

For the past few years (and I remember my parents going when I was a kid and kids weren't allowed) the Olarra's have been having a family grab bag.  This year was no different.  Unfortunately though, the snow held back some of the fam (BOOOO!).  However, we didn't stop it cause we were all excited and ready.  So after we were all cleaned up from sleigh riding, we headed over to the Olarra casa.
The game started quick and the mustaches were opened on round is the start of the Cipot/Olarra/Bea stache story....Dewey opened em...
....and immediately put it on!
Joey had a unibrow...
Why does Uncle Joe's look so natural?
Seriously pissing my pants!!!
oh baby....
Even Ash participated (for about as long as it took for me to snap the pic that is).
Bril took a turn...
...then stuck it on Mags.
It turned into side burns on Dewey.
Mya jumped in too!
Ash got to help Daddy open gifts.
The beans did too!
Even JoJo jumped in.
I'm not sure anything can beat this win!  It even came with matching nail polish.  I can't remember who, besides Ry and Jabril, got their nails painted.
Aunt Mary got a sleeve tattoo, lol!
...but really, it was made for Joey.
Of course Ash was happy to play in all the paper under the table.
no boo, you can't eat it!
Love that little smirk.
Mya drew a snowman, I was super proud of this (so was she).  Her drawing skills are, pretty much, better than mine at this point.  She's got a very artistic daddy, so clearly gets this gene from him.
She was so proud, as she should be!
LOL, Ash patting Jo Jo on his head, good boy!
I love this little boy so much...
How do you think he'd look as a blondie?
JoJo and Joey, cuties.
Me and my love...
So much fun, love you all.  I seriously never get sick of you guys...xoxo

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