Monday, January 7, 2013

New Years 2012....Lets go 2013!!!!

This year we spent New Years at the Olarra crib.  We decided early that we didn't want to go out without the girls, why the hell would we do that anyway?  We also decided that if we did go somewhere we'd stay.  SO, when Mary asked us if we wanted to go there and have a sleepover, it was a SCORE!  Mya and Ash are super comfortable there, it's like their 2nd home, so we knew they'd be fine too.  Plus, we always always have a great time with the Olarra's!
We got there and Mya hung with her best friend, Mags and Jabril.  Mya dressed herself and had to put on a party dress!  LOL!
After, say maybe 2 minutes, Mya and Ash started beating up Jabril!  GET HIM!
Ash loves her god fada..
...and her god mama too, smooches....
..and without skipping a beat, the stache's reappear!
kisses for Uncle Pankie
my little beany
Alexis curled Mary's hair, Mya wanted in!  She sat so still while Alexis curled it too, SO CUTE!
End result!  Poor thing has my hair and doesn't hold curl well, so you'll see it slowly dropped as the night went on.
 Joey's always photo bombing!  HAHAHA
Mama and Pops
curly hair twins!
oh god!
seriously, YIKES!
Ryan photo bombed this one, lol
JoJo loves his Grandpa...
Nona and Ash
LOL!  Seriously Jabril!
This kid cracks me up!  You fit so well into our wacko fam.
Couldn't quite get a pic of the girls, Ash wouldn't cooperate.
Titi dancing with Ash.  Oh yea, the wine has kicked in!
Mya and Thomas were playing so good together.  It was really cute.
I gave Mags a fishtail.  I LOVE doing her hair, it's so nice and thick. 
CHEESE!!! Is this where Mya gets it from?
Tim reading to the beans and Thomas, awwww
LOL!  I love my crazy family...
JoJo even woke back up so he could see the ball drop!
Mya popped a bottle of champagne with daddy!
And Mya was pushing JoJo around in circles downstairs, for soooo long!  And yes, in the 'toy' baby carriage. 
Jojo was loving it.
family love at its finest....
....and all Mary wants is a kiss!
take that!
Mya's like WTF?
 Yup, this is MY man people!!!
We had an amazing time.  Mya stayed up till 1:30.  I couldn't believe it either.  I was BEGGING her to go to sleep cause I was about to pass out on her!  She didn't even have a melt down!  She was super happy and so excited to party with everyone.  She took a nice, long nap that day.  When she woke up, she goes, ok mommy, i'm ready to party!  She sure was!  The best part about it was that when the ball dropped, she was sitting with Ry and I.  We all kissed, hugged, loved on each other.  Then she immediately got off our laps and went around to everyone, giving out hugs and kisses and saying, "Happy New Year!"  I seriously couldn't be more proud of the little girl she is becoming.  And I know that Ash is growing into the same thing, just a little more edgy!  Love my girls and feeling like this year is going to be even better than 2012.  I don't even know how they keep getting better but with a family like ours, it makes it really easy.  Happy New Year all!!!

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