Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy birthday Ava Rose!

I seriously can't believe that my first niece turned 8 on Sept 11 (I know I totally skipped this one, my order is all jacked up). 
A little throwback to her 3rd birthday, time flies!
For her birthday we went over to celebrate her.  The weather was amazing so the kiddies got to play outside on their amazing swing set.
Time to come inside for cake.  Mya with a new cut, I mean wig.  LOL, had me DYING!
Happy birthday Ava!!!!
Make a wish and BLOW THEM OUT GIRL!
LOL, Soso is such a character.
At her birthday party that weekend.  These 2 *melt*
We hope that your birthday was every bit of amazing.  We love you so much Ava.  xoxoxo

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

7 years and counting.....

I still can't believe that one of the best days of my life was already 7 years ago.  Now thinking about it, I don't even remember life without him by my side, nor would I ever want to.  I am lucky enough to be married to my best friend, my soul mate, my heart still skips a beat when I feel his touch and I thank god everyday for sending him my way.  He has made me stronger, braver, (I'm still a whimp, don't get it twisted) happier and I just get that feeling of completeness with him.  He is my rock, he is my man.  I love you babe, here's to 700000 more years with you.  Thank you for completing me and making me a better person.  I would never want to walk hand in hand through life with anyone else.  Together we can do anything, I truly believe that.  We may not have it all together, but together we have it all. 
So, of course a small walk down memory lane to our wedding day.  I still remember the weather being so perfect.  I sprinkle of rain in the morning to wish us good luck (thank you God) and sun to close out our magical day.

We went to dinner a week early since we had plans on our actual anniversary.  We headed to Char for dinner, yummmmmy steak house.  An outfit shot cause I'm lame.
love you babe....
last one....
We got to celebrate Ryan's twins and future wives love at their engagement party.  So happy we got to celebrate that on our anniversary, was so very special. 

Happy Birthday Willie and Kylie

2 of my favorite littles celebrated their birthday's in September.  Willie (my godson) and Kylie (my home girl).  Ky turned 2 on September 3rd and Willie turned 4 on September 27th!  I just love these kids and am lucky enough to see them pretty regularly since we do dinner almost every other Tuesday night.  The kids just really play so well together and it's fun to watch them grow up together.  I pray they are all always this close. 
Rachel and Will threw them a combined party this year at their house.  The weather ended up being so nice, it was actually hot!  They had a ton for the kids to do, it was a great day!
 Mya and Ava playing in the little bounce house.
Next down is Ava.
The eyes have me dying!
Mya and Willie playing soccer.
BFF love
Dewey was pushing little miss Ava on the swing, she was loving it!
Meanwhile, Brookie was loving getting pushed by Uncle Ry.
That face!!!
I honestly just can't take these 2.
Ash was feeling the camera today, huh?!
She even moved over to pose with Kylie, who wasn't feeling a pic with Ash....
However, when it was just her, it all changed!!!!
How big is Kylie?!!!
I just love this little face.
So sweet Ky and her daddy walking hand and hand back over to the house.  Something about a daddy and his daughter.
Rachel did an amazing job, as usual, with the desserts.
Birthday kiddies.
 Happy birthday dear Willie and Kylieeeeee, happy birthday to YOU!!!!!!!!!!
The cutest fam.
Time to pig into the sweets!!!!
And piƱata time....

 The birthday boy got it!!!
 Of course cookie would be double fisted, cookie style....
 It wouldn't be a party if Uncle Ry didn't toss some kids around....
 Blurry but I LOVE the faces on them here.  SO MUCH FUN!
 Hope my loves had an amazing day.  We love you tons.  xoxo

Friday, October 24, 2014

Wedding fun!

We had 2 weddings between September and October.  It's been a while since we've been to one, I freaking LOVE weddings!  The first one was in the beginning of September for Beef.  Pretty much another brother to me.  As you all know, I have 2 brother, no sisters.  However, I pretty much grew up with my b, Rachel.  We literally met in Pre-k and have been best friends since.  So celebrating his wedding, was like celebrating my brothers wedding!  Not to mention the fact that Willie and Kylie were in the wedding AND it was Gatsby themed!  DYING!  
It was a Friday afternoon so I took a half day, cause I absolutely couldn't miss the ceremony.
I wish I got better pics, but I didn't have my big ole camera, just my phone.  And having Mya and Ash, it was kinda difficult.  Luckily my parents were with us so helped.
Can you even take this cuteness?  They also had the bride's niece being pulled, by Willie, in a wagon.
After they walked down the aisle, Willie and Kylie came to sit with us.  Travis (Willie's Uncle) came and sat with us too to help out.  It was literally 100 degrees in the church.  Mya and Ash were THRILLED they were sitting with us and none of the kids would stay quiet.
SOOOO, we ended up in the church basement in about 10 minutes!  The kids had a field day.
Trav and I were aired!
These 2!
And seriously Ky!  
Time to drop the kids with Uncle Michael and Auntie Laura and party with my main squeeze!!!!  Isn't he a stud?!
My adorable mama and pops.  Could they be ANY cuter?!
Mama dukes and I.
And my 2 favorite guys.
Inside with the bride and groom!
With my girl, Rachel and her bro (like my other bro), Gino!
LOVE this pic of them.  All the bridesmaids were in flapper dresses and looked SO HOT!
LOVE you girl.

Wedding #2, October 4th for Ryan's cousin, Natalie.  Super pumped because we don't always get to see this side of the family much and ALWAYS have a blast with them. 
We're so fancy. 
Obviously my phone was taking awful pics.  But twinsies.
The gorgeous bride and her new groom!
Being married to a twin absolutely has its benefits.  Double the lovin!  
With my sister, I mean Cioci!  So many people asked if we were sisters this past summer.  Between when we were up in Rockport visiting and around here when she was down visiting Babci.  LOVE YOU, my sista!
Cousin Ray jumped in, always a good time.
The guys, Ryan looks like a GIANT!
Photo booths are always dangerous and oh so fun!
Grabbed this off of Natalie's fb page.  Love you guys.  xoxo
 SO MUCH FUN!  Next wedding is in January for my cousin.  Can't wait!!!!