Wednesday, October 8, 2014

It's kinda time, it's kinda time, it's kinda time for.......

Mya, my little Kindergartner!  I still can't believe how big she is getting.  I'm sure this is something that I'll always be saying.  Deciding where we were going to send her for Kindergarten was seriously so hard.  Ry and I both grew up going to Catholic school, so we've always had a special place for Catholic school education in our hearts.  We also fully plan on getting all of the Catholic sacraments for our children, so if we didn't decide on Catholic education, we'd have to do a CCD program for them as well.  We are planning on moving at the end of the year (well putting our house on the market).  We have grown out of our beloved 2 bedroom townhouse, and the school district SUCKS (to say the least).  Ryan was more about trying out the public school for Kindergarten, saying, it's just one year since we plan on moving anyway.  We gave it a shot, we registered her for Franklin Township schools and all.  Since there are quite a few schools in our area, based on our address, we were right in the middle of 2 different schools, Conerly and Hillcrest.  We really wanted Conerly.  So when we got the letter back, stating that she would be going to Conerly, we were relieved.  They had an orientation that we went to in May.  We got there and when I tell you it was not good, I'm not lying one bit.  The worst part was that one of the teachers was in front of us, on her freaking cell phone the entire time!  Can you say RUDE?!  I was appalled.  They also had the kids sit with us for the 45 minutes they went over the handbook.  Mya was about ready to lose her $hit.  Kept saying, when is this over?  I want to go back to school (since it was during her preschool hours).  Then we went on a tour and the first door we pass by was the nurses office.  There was a little girl there with an ice pack over her eye, in tears.  Poor Mya couldn't get past that once she saw it.  Kept asking me, how did that happen, why is she in there?  She was petrified!  I tried to tell her she probably hurt herself in the classroom and the nurse was making it all better.  The second we left, she told me, "mommy, I really don't like this school."  That on top of us being the ONLY white family in the school.  Now, I'm all about diversity, I don't want my children to be shaded from life.  However, when she is the only little white girl, sorry that's an issue for me.  So, that afternoon, I called St Matthias for a school tour.  That Thursday (or maybe it was Friday) Mya, Ash and I went on a tour (Ry had to work).  Mya was IN LOVE, I absolutely was too.  The teachers came out of the classrooms to talk to the girls (who didn't have classes), they interacted with Mya and Ashley and you could honestly just feel the genuine care that they had while interacting with current students in the school.  I just got that 'feeling' when you know this is how it's supposed to be.  We left and Mya couldn't stop talking about how much she loved HER new school.  No matter what it took, I knew this is where we were sending her.  When Ryan heard her talk about it that night, he said the same thing. 
Now, fast forward to the last week in August, orientation.  Of course, it always happens to fall on the week we're on vacation.  Luckily, this year, we were in Wildwood.  Mya and I headed home on Tuesday night to be there for first thing Wednesday morning.  Mya was PUMPED!
 And next to the cute little sign! 
I gotta say, they really set this orientation up so well.  We got there and they had upper level students in the uniforms greeting us at the door.  We walked in, through the cafeteria and I was SO emotional (not crying but just in shock that we're here).  The girl looked at me and said, I can take her to her classroom.  Mya took her hand and walked with her, saying "bye mom" to me.  I think the student saw the shock I was in, on the verge of tears (lol) and said, you can come too!  LOL!  The other parents were in the classroom, too mind you, it wasn't just me!  The bell rings a little after 9 and they send the parents into the cafeteria to go over information while the kids did some art projects in their new classrooms!  As I was walking out (continuously looking back) I noticed Mya looking for a seat, she goes to sit down next to this little boy, who is now one of her best buds, Stelio.  Little Greek boy, who is a twin, and is seriously so absolutely gorgeous!  They set up their orientation so well.  They had the principal speak, some teachers, some current students as well as some graduated students.  Just such a huge difference from Conerly!  I was so pleased.
When we got into the car after orientation she told me that she made a friend, but didn't remember his name.  He was a really good artist and he told her that his daddy can pick up a tree and throw it!  LOL!!!! 
Fast forward to a week later (September 5th to be exact) and we're ready for our first day of school!!!!!!  Words can't even express how much joy a uniform brings to me!
My girl is getting so big *tear*
no sign...
Getting all ready to go, Ash was so excited for her too.
My other love bird.
Outside and ready to head over to school!  The peter pan collared shirt, the knee socks, the jumper, the headband, the PLAID, wow, this just all brings me back to good ole St Peter's!
Minus the lunchbox choking Ash out. 
 kissing hands....melt
Titi and her girls.  LOVE this one.

Our family...together forever!

All in there and ready to roll.  
We got there and the kids get into line (or really gather around until the bell rings) a certain area in the parking lot, which is obviously coned off from the actual parking area.  All the parents walked the kids over the first day and stood right next to them.  Here is Mya with the teachers aide, who she ADORES, Miss Hill.

And with her teacher, Mrs Minnihan (who is also amazing), and friend, Addison.
My girl.
my girl.
 daddy and his girl
She was the first one in line.
The bell rang and off they went.  
Fast forward to the following Tuesday, September 9th, Mya walked to the line all by herself.  The parents now have to stay behind the cones.  You can walk your child over, which I usually do now, but you can't stand there, you drop and walk away.  
I am so proud of my girl.  She absolutely loves school and has already made so many great friends.  I seriously find it so cute that one of her best ones is the one she met at orientation, is a boy AND a twin!  I love the mom too!  Here's to many more days of an amazing year in Kindergarten! 

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