Thursday, February 21, 2013

girls girls girls

Last Saturday, I knew I was going to be alone in the morning.  Ry went to Jersey City with Frank, to hang with Jimmy and do guy stuff, lol.  Since he was sleeping over, I knew he wouldn't be home till the early afternoon.  I took advantage of the girl time and planned a play date with our Leonhardt girls.  SO MUCH FUN! 
We got there and the girls immediately went to Reese's room, AKA, the salon.  It was Reesie's turn to get her hair did!  Even Ash joined in.
Then, Ash went into Reese's closet and took this dress out and immediately gave it to Char and said, ON.  She was more than happy to put it on her.  And Ash was more than happy to model it for the girls. 
Then she climbed in Reese's bed and Auntie covered her up.  SO CUTE!
snack time!  Char made banana, coconut, choc chip muffins, MMMM!!!! 
After snack, Ash played in the kitchen.  She's been obsessed with her kitchen lately too.
The bigger girls did floor puzzles.  My cookie was still sleeping!
She's UP!!!!  And cuter then ever!!!!  God, I love this kid!
Can't get enough of her cheeks and toes.
And that edible tush too.
OMG these 2 were so freaking cute together.
2 things that get me every time I look at that pic.  I KNOW you know what the first one is.  That friggin hiney!  Had me chasing her around.  OMG EDIBLE!  And the way Ash is looking and smiling at her.  She was crawling ahead of her to get her to follow. SO DAMN CUTE!
Reese named Char, Swiper.  They were playing Dora I guess.  I was backpack, LOL!  Char is swiping the girlies.
They were swiped onto the bed, then they were jumping to reach the puff.
Onto lunch.  Brookie and Ash were having a moment of peek a boo.  I couldn't even take the cuteness.
Where's Ash...
...PEEK A BOO!  Cookie was LOVING it!
We had so much fun with you girlies.  I can't wait till the summer, so we can do all this at the beach together.  Love you all so much.  xoxoxo

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Love day

I love Valentine's Day, used to hate it (that was before Ry of course).  Now that I have an amazing Valentine (even if I have to share him with my 2 girlies, hehe) I couldn't be happier to celebrate this Hallmark holiday.  Whatever, we don't go crazy but I just LOVE hearts and spoiling my girls and hubs whenever possible.  This valentine's day was no different. 
This was the first year that Mya was in school on Valentine's Day so you know I was super excited to have Mya pick our her Valentine's to fill out for all her friends at school.  She picked out these Brave Valentine's for her class about a month ago.  You would have thought I would have gotten started early on them since we had them, nope. 
No worries, we finished them up Valentine's Day eve.
We also made these to enjoy on love day too!  Peanut butter cookies with Reese's hearts on top.  They were slammin!
I also found this adorable pic on pinterest for Mya to send to some family and friends.  So since I don't know photoshop for the life of me, I asked our amazing family up in Mass to help us out.  Since Steven was at the toy show in NY, Ry said to ask Krysia.  This chick is AMAZING!  THANKS SO MUCH KRYSIA!!!  We owe you and love you tons!
I asked her to take this pic of Mya, blowing a kiss and add 3 hearts going up.  SCORE!
She then sent me this one of Ash!  Ry and I were cracking up.  My little heart angel!  LOL
I put the pics onto these.  Mya signed her name to all of them!!!!
 Here are the outtakes of the pics.  I had Mya blowing a kiss...
 Smiling, such a ham!
 Ash wasn't too keen on looking at me.  And I noticed after I got the shirt on her that the heart was a complete mess!
 So I had to change Ashley's shirt.  That was a battle!  In the meantime, Mya didn't hesitate to smile.
 I had to bribe Ash with gum (go ahead judge all you want!).
 She wanted to jump on Mya's bed while holding onto her crib.  This gives me a damn heart attack.  I always think she's going to just drop to the ground.  NO FEAR!
CHEESE, still wouldn't look.
 That was all I tortured them with that night.  Onto Valentine's Day.  The morning went great!  I woke up early.  Got to have a quiet breakfast with my valentine (LOVE).  The girls, of course, slept a little later (missing daddy, who left for work already).  Of course, the day, he wanted them to see the roses and cards and cute little gifts he got them for love day.  He surprised me with this! 
I was so super excited!  I know, lame to get excited over a protein shaker, but it's pink and I'm totally into this workout new lifestyle kick that I was uber excited!  He also got me a beautiful red rose arrangement and he made me a card, yep, didn't buy that ish, made it!  SO SO SO CUTE! 
 He also had the girls make me cards...just love him!

This one's from Mya.  He said she wrote out so good mommy on the top, and Mya.  But then she colored it all in.  She then told me that she drew pics of us with mustaches.  ummmmm, is there something she's trying to tell me??? 
Well, this Valentine's Day didn't go quite as planned.  Not that we had anything planned but just wasn't our 'typical' day, here at the Bea crib.  The girls got up, got dressed nice and fast.  Of course I had to snap some pics of them in their Valentine's day attire.
Yup, every morning this kid runs to the pantry and grabs the huge box of fruit snacks.  She then comes to me with the bag and says, OPEN PEEEEE.
 Cheesin as usual!
 This was the best I got.
 Then this little photo shoot happened, lol!
 Love this little angel.
I was running a little ahead (like 2 minutes) of schedule.  I always, pack the car up, turn it on, to warm it up, ahead of time so that I don't have to carry 15,000 bags, 2 girls and get into a cold car.  I got all the bags ready and went to get my keys, they're not there.  HMMMMM.  This doesn't typically happen.  I hang them up the second I get into the house every night.  If I don't they can be found either in my jacket pocket or the kitchen counter.  I checked both places, not there.  I thought back to the night before and, since Ry was at his moms when I got home from working a little late, I knew I needed my keys to get into the house.  HMMMM, I started looking in other places, upstairs, on my dresser, Ryan's dresser, girls room (just cause I was up there), NO NO and NO.  Now I'm getting annoyed cause I'm not a running on time anymore and I HATE misplacing my keys.  I ran out to my car to look on the ground, just maybe they fell somehow, someway, nope.  My car was unlocked though, another thing I never do.  Since my car got broken into last year, I have NEVER left my car unlocked since then.  So now I'm thinking, did Ry take my car last night for anything?  I did remember him saying he wanted to put some stuff from his trunk to mine.  So he must have had my keys.  I call him to see if he has them.  Once, no answer, twice, no answer.  I think and realize he doesn't usually bring his phone with him onto the site.  I keep calling and calling and calling.  He finally picks up and I'm in a tizzy.  I ask him if he knows where my keys are?  He says, no, I have no idea.  I'm literally crying at this point.  The time of the month doesn't help with all my emotions!  He's trying to calm me down and in walks my neighbors (I'm a hot mess!).  Such great neighbors we have, they asked if they could bring me to work.  I say no and they tell me it's ok to calm down.  lol!  Ry tells me he'll come home to take me to work.  Meanwhile, I texted Mary who was on her way to get the girls.  This has NEVER happened and I was so annoyed, and just emotional.  I literally feel like I turned my house upside down to find these damn keys.  Checked the garbage, every jacket pocket, girls handbags, girls toy closet, bedroom, bathrooms, EVERYWHERE!  Mary takes the girls and Ry gets home to take me to work.  We get into the car and he says, "I'll drop you off then go to Dodge to get a new key made."  Perfect!  Then he goes, "Shit, I forgot my wallet at work!"  He leaves his wallet, keys and phone (usually) in his lunchbox before going onto his job site.  So in the rush he was in to get out, he left his wallet.  I tell him I'll just go with him, since it's close to my work anyway, thinking it'll take 10 minutes tops to get a new key.  We get to Dodge, the guy says, oh man, no you gotta get your car towed here since I have an anti theft system and chip in my car, they need to program the key.  GREAT!  At this point, Ry was apologetic, he remembered taking my keys off the key rack to open the car.  Don't worry I kept saying, it was really just driving us crazy that we couldn't find them.  We drove home to call AAA to get the car towed.  They said it'll be there in about an hour.  After an hour, we called, they still weren't there.  Ryan explained to the person what happened, "Oh we can send out a locksmith that we have to program your new key and take car of it all."  That's great!  They're in North Brunswick, so sent them right over, in an hour!  UGH!  Ok, whatever.  The guy gets there, at this point, it's like noon.  Ry goes out there to talk to him and he comes back in.  The guy starts working.  Not even 5 minutes goes by and the guy comes to the door.  Ry goes outside to talk to him and a few minutes later he comes in to tell me that the VIN number and my ignition column don't match.  When my car got broken into last year, they tried to rip out my ignition, so I needed to get a new one.  This all made sense but we didn't even think about this when it happened.  SO, now the guy needs to give us a new steering column as well.  UGHHHH!!!!!  Just keeps getting better, right!  OH JUST WAIT!  So, the guy starts working.  I'm trying to get some stuff done around the house since I'm home anyway.  So, at this point it's like 12:45 ish.  Ry decides he's not going into work cause it's pointless for him to go.  By the time this gets finished, and he gets there, he'll be there for an hour.  Since he left his wallet in his lunchbox, he called his foreman to take it home with him, so it's not on the job overnight.  The foreman agrees, and I hear Ry say, "you've got to be kidding me," as he walks outside.  I run downstairs and follow him outside, I KNEW that he must have found it in his lunchbox!  Ry hung up and ran to the guy to see if he had already started, this way we can stop him, no such luck.  During this whole part of him putting the new ignition in and programming a new key, the guy came back to us and told Ry that he needed the old key for something out of it.  So, Ry had to go to his work to get the key.  $250 and 8 hours later (I know, it made me sick too), we have 2 keys now, a new ignition and this will NEVER happen again!
So, once all of this was said and done, it was 3pm, time to get the girls.  We decided that since we were all together so early in the day, we'd go to Thomas Sweets to treat the girls for Valentines Day. 
Mya and Daddy.
LOVE them!
About the only time this kid sits still (for 20 seconds).
Sharing her candy with her little sissy.
I hope your Valentine's day was extra sweet, special and filled with love.  xoxo

Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday SoSo

Last Sunday, we celebrated SoSo's 3rd Birthday!  WOW!  I still can't believe she's going to be 3 on Sunday!  Time flies. 
Jen threw an amazing, Dora themed party.  Mimi and Poppy made this adorable banner to hang.  SO SO Cute!
Mya and the birthday girl.  I can't even take the cuteness.
Dora was there!!
I'm gonna get you!!!!
Your turn, Ash!
She's all ready.
Some of the kiddies.
Smiles, such beautiful girlies.  Love them!
Uncle Jimmy and the bean.
Nice job girls!
Let the dance party begin.  So So's music teacher came to have a little VIP class.  So cute, the kids loved it.
Ash wasn't interested.  She sat in the movie room with Christopher to watch some b-ball.
But it didn't take her long to venture into the music class.  She actually was at the kitchen, making food for the kids (and teacher) and bringing it over to them.  lol!
The kids were LOVING the music class, it was really cute.
Ring around the rosie, A pocket full of posies, ashes ashes....
....we all fall DOWN!
Playing the instruments.
Finally sitting down, for a whole 2 minutes with the birthday princess.
So cute, this bought me back.
They had a Dora doll too.  Ash was giving her hugs.
All lined up.
Time for her solo!
She was singing and playing the guitar, so so cute!
Cake time
The kiddies are ready to sing.  And SoSo is ready for it too!
Make a wish, beautiful!
The gorgeous Cust family.
SoSo, pose for auntie to take a pic.  This is what I got.  Such a little ballerina, I love it!
Some more cousin love.
This was hysterical.  SoSo went up to Jen and was saying, yogurt, yogurt.  Apparently she already had 2 that day, so Jen was trying to get her to eat something else.  She reached up onto the counter and grabbed a garlic knot.  She was so excited for herself!  Such a cutie.
my loves (Ash in the back, lol).
Ash was having fun with Matthew.
Time for the Dora pinata!
LOL, Mike sportin the Dora head.
Uncle Ma-ul and the bean
Ash was ready for bed!  NIGHTY LOVE!
We had a great time celebrating you, Soso.  We love you so so much and can't believe that you're almost 3!  You are such a beautiful, silly and fun little girl and we can't wait to see what this year has in store for you!  LOVE YOU!!!!!