Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve

And here we go....Let the Christmas festivities begin!!!  Christmas Eve is always spent with Ryan's mom and step dad's side of the family.  Diane and Jon host it and it's always a great time.  Jon's side even came this year which was great cause we don't see them alot but we always have a great time with them. 
Uncle Michael was gettin some ginger lovin.
 Mya jumped in.
 LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic of Babci and her 2 great grand daughters.
 Let the present opening begin.
 Babci had these Barbie dolls from when Diane and Irena were girls.  She had even hand made some of the clothes.  Mya's big into Barbie's now so Babci was super excited to give these to the girls!!!  Mya got right into changing their clothes. 
 Loving it.
 Smooches for daddy. 
 My 2 favorite girls in the whole wide world!
 Alycia bought her pup, Wabo.  Ash was IN LOVE!  Chasing him around, Wabo Wabo Wabo.  It was adorable.
 Mya was putting Babci and Uncle Michael to sleep, when all of the sudden she passed out too!  YEA RIGHT! these guys.
 they're so fierce!
 Andrea being silly, making the girlies laugh.
 Leash and me with the girlies.  Love you Leash and miss seeing you.
 Kisses to Wabo....can you even stand this?!
We had such a great time.  Thanks for hosting Jon and Diane.  Love you guys.  xoxo

Happy Birthday Pete!

Since Pete wasn't around on his actual birthday, December 16th, my parents had a little party for him this past Sunday.
We got to my parents and the girls were cuddling on the floor.
 Pete with his best friend, who's been around FOREVER!  It was great seeing you Johnny Mack.
 Ava and her god father.
 Ry got to feed Ava, baby hog!
 Mya wanted to hold her and feed her so bad.  Instead, she just held her hand, so sweet.
 Mya was sitting there and we were trying to get Ava and JoJo to race to her, lol!  Baby racing?! Nice!  Either of them went....haha.
 These eyes!
 I just can't even take this gorgeous.
 Happy Birthday....
 Ash going in to blow out the candles.
 Ash in her usual spot.
 This cracks me up.
 Typical pic with Jabril in them....JoJo was passed out on Mags.
 Pete was loving every second of these cuddles.  Ash was even holding on.
Happy Birthday Pete.  Love you and can't wait till you guys are home for good in February.  xoxo

clippity cloppity

Every year, New Brunswick has free horse and carriage rides in December.  This is the first year we've gone on them, but we'll make it a new tradition cause it was so super cute!  Mya loved it and Ash was just too cold to move.  It was pretty cold out but it was a short ride.  Mya sang jingle bells the entire time and waved to everyone on the road.  My Nonna was in town too, for Christmas, so we all went together.  We had dinner at mom and dad's first.
Then we headed to the clippity clops.  Ash petting the pony. 
 Time to go!
 Me and my girl.
 Ash all bundled up.
 With the horse's that took us for our ride.
So much fun!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Gingerbread houses

After we left my parents last Sunday we got home and I had gingerbread houses that I wanted us to all make.  We had dinner and then got right into it.  Well after Mya put bright pink lip gloss on our lips!
 She had no clue, LOL!  Mya, the pink lipped reindeer!
 Daddy getting the icing ready.
 He put the walls up.
 While the girls watched.  Ash had to get as close as possible.
 This set was cute, got it at Michaels.  It had 4 mini houses in it!
 Getting his all iced out.
 Mya wanted to pipe the windows and door.
 Then she just decided to take it and make it hers!
 We made a bit of a mess...Ash was literally just transferring the candy to all different jars the whole time.  And dropping it EVERYWHERE!
 Ryan's house was nice! 
  Finished products!!! 
We had so much fun doing this.  I think this is another tradition that we'll start to do every year.  Love family time with my favorites.