Friday, December 21, 2012

Holiday traditions...

Last Sunday we headed to my parents to start the annual Christmas cookie baking.  SO MUCH FUN as always!!  Ash was too little last year to help, but she was more than happy to roll up her sleeves this year.  I love this holiday tradition we have and I hope to do it every year.  I love starting new traditions with the girls, I hope they cherish these always and remember all the fun they had.
We made 3 types of cookies, and they're already all eaten.  No worries, we made enough dough to have some for Christmas too.  It's just a fun tradition we started when Mya was born.
Ash, doing some cut out cookies.
She even stopped to smile.
Nona and Mya were working together.
Cheese, LOVE this pic!
the girls!!!!  Can't wait for Shell and Ava to join us next year when you're all home!!!!
I got back to work, but Ash was still into the pics.
Till she realized it was time to test the dough.
 Onto the oreos, I can't blame her, I have a soft spot for Oreos!
 Finger prints, I was adding the caramel! MMMMM
 Mya was rolling them in the coconut and nuts!  Such a good baker already! It's gotta be in her blood.
 Rolo's are done!
 Mya did this, she squished a rolo on top and said, no no no mommy, this one has a hat!!! Gotta love it!
 Thumb prints are in...
 ..So we start to decorate the sugar cookies.  EVERYONE got involved for this part, besides Ash who was taking a nap.
 Some of our creations.
 Dewey was very particular about the placement of colors for the icing.
 I made a one eyed homey.
 Mya hard at work.
 LOVE you girlfriend.
 Uncle Michael came to pick up the boys to go to the shooting range.  It was so cute, he came in Mya goes, it's MY Michael! 
 Mya with 2 of her Uncles.
hmmmmmm, what did you just do?
 Oh like I care, as long as I get a kiss!!! 
The girls with Nona and Dewey.
 It was also Pete's birthday last Sunday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETE!  His first birthday as a father.  Such a special one at that!  We facetimed with him.  Mya blew out the candle (on a bagel, lol). 
Thanks for all the fun.  Love the holiday traditions we share...xoxo

1 comment:

Leonhardt fam said...

This is the sweetest post ever mama! The girls are just more beautiful than words can ever describe and the tradition of baking cookies together is just so you Cipot girls! Love you all xoxoxoxo