Monday, December 10, 2012

happy half birthday my little snappy

Ash was 1.5 on November 30th.  Her 18 month check up isn't until December 31st, but i'll update on everything else now.  I'm a little behind and was SO late to schedule her well visit, whoops!
She is up to SO much these days.
She's in a size 4 diaper still and a 2T clothing.  Her foot is big, at a size 7!
She talks up a storm, like no joke, can say sentences.  She says "I love you" all the time and it's seriously the sweetest thing.  Her voice is a little deep and I just friggin love it!  She seriously amazes me with all that she says.
She is NON STOP.  Like I don't know how she does it.  She doesn't stop, like ever.  She's a climber too, if I turn around and she's sitting at the table eating a meal (or lets be real, picking at it), sometimes I turn around to her standing on it, YIKES! 
It's almost impossible to bring her to the store cause she doesn't want to sit in the cart and just wants to run around, takes every trip out ten times much longer.
She's a crappy eater, like sometimes when you think she's doing good cause she actually put the broccoli in her mouth to chew, she spits that ish all out!
She sleeps through the night, usually around 8pm - 6am and still takes a bottle at bedtime, we're trying to break that but she's got a cold at the moment, and I'm a sucker pretty much.
She's still got those 2 funny a$$ bottom teeth bright and center.  Still hasn't gotten anything around those on bottom.  She's got her molars and 4 top teeth besides the molars.
She dances so differently from Mya and it's HYSTERICAL!  She shakes those hips hard!
When I go to take her pic and ask her to smile, she usually does and says CHEEEESE all loud, it's so cute.
She loves her sister but can also be a little bully.  And she's tough too.  Mya's kinda screwed I think, sorry girl.  I love when we're in the car and Ash will just sit there and say Mya, Mya, Mya, Mya, it's so damn cute.  Or in the morning when she wakes up, she usually says Mommy or daddy but Mya's been sleeping in her room for the past 2 weeks, so when Ash wakes up, she seems Mya and starts saying Mya, Mya, Mya, Mya, HIIIIIII MYAAAA, it's friggin so damn cute!
She loves her baby doll.
She can say parts of the ABC's, she can also help count.  If we start she'll chime in and say some of the numbers in the correct order. 
Unfortunately, Nov 30th was a Friday so I was working, but we still celebrated that little girl when we were with her.  We woke up and took a few pics.
Mya wanted to get into the pic, but Ash wasn't having it and pushed her outta the way.
So I took a separate one of the beans and me.
Had to get a few shots of little miss snappy pants on her half birthday.  This girl seriously had me cracking up!
Just not looking at her mama.
Time for breakfast and candles in the pancakes of course before I run off to work.  She was thrilled!
We ate dinner at the little girls table that night.
Then we met Dewey, Nona and Frank at Thomas Sweets for some yummy dessert.  Ash with her buddy.
Mya's got a ritual that she likes to do every time we go to Thomas Sweets.  We HAVE to go into Thomas Sweets first for ice cream.  After we head into next door for the candy.  She goes around and gets all her free samples, lol!  After the Thomas Sweet shops we go to Barnes and Noble.  We read a few books in the kids section and she looks around.  After that she likes to watch the trains, which we didn't do that night cause it was cold and was getting late.
Leaving Barnes and Noble with Uncle Frankie.
Before bed we sang happy birthday one last time to the little ginger.
And took a few more pics with mama
Me and my girls.  Ry was still working nights so didn't get to join in on the festivities.
I love you Ashley, so much.  You make everyday a fun one.  You are NON stop from the minute you wake up in the morning but I wouldn't change you in any way.  You keep me on my toes and put a huge smile on my face when I hear your voice or just see your beautiful face.  I love you so much and can't believe you're closer to 2 than 1 now.  STOP GROWING!

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