Monday, December 3, 2012

a sad day on the drive....

November 16th marked a sad sad day on the drive.  Our neighbors and friends, the Budesheim crew, moved.  We have been neighbors for a short time, 3 years ago when they moved in, but in that time, we have been outside with the kids ALOT.  We've shared a ton of memories and we were also pregnant with our youngest kids at the same time, having them just about 2 weeks apart.  It's been adorable seeing the kids grow together.  Mya and Ashley would run outside and literally go up to their door to knock and see if they could come out to play.  It was so nice having them as neighbors and we will miss them tremendously!  Mya already tells me how much she misses them and Ash walks around saying Emma all the time!  We wish you much love in your new home and hope you have wonderful neighbors there too.  We'll be by often! 
So, this is the last time Mya went to their door.  Going to say bye, sad day :(
Mya and Emma playing her room together.  Poor Jack was passed out on his mattress (they had everything else already all packed up in the truck.
Mya tucking Emma in, lol!
Goodbye hugs...awwww
We took the kids to Chuckie Cheese a few days before they moved.  We were planning on playing outside but the weather was nasty so decided on chuckie cheese.  This was the first time I've been there, yes I know.  Nothing great, kinda gross but the kids loved it and that's what matters most. 
 Mya was riding the cop car, like her Tio.
 This was cute.  Ash was loving watching Mya.
 Mya was really loving putting the coins in the games.  Everytime Ash would sit at one, she'd say, oh you wanna play? And would put a coin in.  Ash had NO idea what was going on.  At one point Mya put money in this race boat game and Ash kept pushing my hand when I tried to help her steer, it was kinda funny.
 CHEESE at the cheese
 Ash was intrigued by all the prizes you could win too.
Mya and Jack climbed in the tunnels.
 This horse didn't work but Ash loved getting on it, OVER AND OVER AND OVER. 
 Air hockey.
 Mya and Jack on this roller coaster simulator. 
 LOVING the lights.
The little ones
 Ash pretending to be Tio now.
Little miss Sara Grace
 Ash wondering WTF that is. 
 Just had to post these cause I haven't gotten around to it yet.  One random afternoon on the drive.  Older kids.

The crazy kids of the drive.  This pic makes me crack up!  With Emma's leg up, Ash eating a screwdriver, Jack struggling to keep Sara up, and Mya smiling...this is our life!  Well was :(
It was a fun Fall day.  The kids were having fun in the leaves.  LOVE them!
The girls (minus Sara).
We wish you much happiness in your new home.  The drive won't be the same without you guys.  Love you tons and are so blessed to have been neighbors for that short 3 years.  xoxo

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Really? You're killing me.

I don't think there is anything else to say. Never did we expect to move in and hit it off so well with anyone. Not only did we make friends, we made Godparents for our newest addition! How lucky are we?! Our times on (and off) The Drive will remain some of my favorite memories, and you and your beautiful family will always remain some of my favorite people.

Look, I normally don't like other people's kids (it's a known fact), but there is something about your girls...I love them SO much, and I can't even imagine life without having watched them grow and change over the short time I knew them.

So, from here, we move on and move forward. You WILL be at my house once a week. Our kids WILL continue to grow up together. We WILL remain friends, because there is no choice in the matter. It's just the way it's going to be!

SO, thank YOU Beas. Thanks for the memories and here is to many, MANY more. Love you!!, no more sad. My pregnant, hormonal self can't take much more.