Friday, November 30, 2012

Scicutella playdate

It's been so nice seeing so much of the Scicutella's lately, we need to keep up on this cause seeing the kids together is so damn cute! 
Jack was wondering why the F Ash was in him bouncer!  It's funny that once kids grow out of toys, they want to be in them so bad.
 Having so much fun and can you take the cheeks on Jack?!
 I seriously couldn't get enough of this kid.
 LOVE these girls. 
 Could they be any cuter?  Love that Gia accessorizes every outfit these days with her bling!  My kinda girl!
 Silly faces with Uncle Ry.
 Drawing pretty pics.
And the little ones playing together too.
 Big hugs before we left.  LOVE these kids and love that they're growing up together.
Thanks for the fun visit.  Love you guys so much.

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