Sunday, August 30, 2009

God Bless Mya Elizabeth

We had Mya's Christening last Saturday. We got real lucky with the weather, considering it was supposed to be torrential downpours. It was only extremely humid, but that beats pouring rain, right? Mya was so cute, she was so talkative and alert. Every time Uncle Eddie came over and had to place his hands on Mya she wanted to hold on to his fingers, very cute!

The Bea Fam
Mya, Babci's and Jon
Nona and Mya in a jacket that my great grandmother (Mya's great great grandmother) made.
Mya and her Godparents, Rachel and Michael

Babci and Mya
Mya, Mimi and Poppy

Mya and Uncle Jimmy
Mya, Nona, Grand dew, Ryan and Liz
Look, Mya's got more hair than Uncle Brando.
Aunt Kaka and Mya
Gigi and Mya

back at it

I got through my first week back to work, it was tough but I managed. The hardest part was only getting to spend 3 hours with Mya after work. I didn't want to put her down. I cried all night on Sunday, and almost the entire way to work on Monday morning, it was hard. Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe came and got her Monday morning. I am cherishing every moment I spend with her now.
Mary's first day of work.

My first day of work.
Mya needed a beer when she got home.

Tuesday morning I decided to bring Mya over to Mary's. When we got there and she saw Aunt Mary she got the biggest smile on her face. It was so sweet and really helps me when I have to leave her all day. I know she's loved to pieces over there.

Wednesday was Granny's 80th birthday. We went to Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe's for some pizza, cake and good times.
Cute pic of Mya and Tony.

Ryan bought Mya a pair of DC's a few months ago, they finally fit!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Things I'll miss...

After almost 5 long months of me home with Mya, the dreaded day has come for me to go back to work. I guess I had a good run. It'll just be hard to get back into the swing of things and not be with my Mya all day long. I've been thinking of all the million things I'll miss about being home with her.
What I'll miss most....
Bringing her back into mommy and daddies bed after her 6am feeding.
Going back to sleep for 2 hours and waking up to her perfect little smile.
Her adorable cheery and chatty morning personality.
Our lunch visits from grand-dew, nona, Babci and sometimes Uncle Michael too!
Our many visitors that came to see you throughout the weeks.
All of our fun walks, whether they were just around home, with Auntie Char and Reese or our Friday walks in the park with Kristi.
Friday farmers market and Olarra house visits.
Our random shopping trips to babies-r-us, old navy or target.
Our morning and afternoon walks with the puppies.
Mid-afternoon naps in mommy and daddies bed.
Watching all the new and exciting things she learns everyday. And hearing her babble on and on trying to make out if she's saying mama or dada!!
See her face light up when daddy gets home from work and walks in the door. But I'll be so excited when she lights up to see me get home from work!
Most of all, I'll miss that alone time we get, just Mya and me, all day.

Playing in bed on Friday morning.
Kristi, Mya and my walk on Friday. We're a little sweaty from the walk, it was HOT!

At the farmers market on Friday.

I'm just thankful that she'll be with Aunt Mary. I know there won't be a lack of TLC there. And when Uncle Joe's around I'm sure they'll either be sharing the flowers on her exersaucer or cruising around in the boat. xoxo

Thursday, August 20, 2009

4 months and growing...

Mya turned 4 months on Aug 8th. We just had her 4 month check up and it went great (well besides the shots of course). She's weighing in at 14 lbs 3 ozs and is 24 3/4 inches tall!!!! She's getting so big! Since Ry is so obsessed with height he asked the Dr if she could give us a rough approximation on how tall she thinks she'll be. She said anywhere from 5'9" to 6"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT??? Are you kidding me???? To be honest, I really don't think she'll be that tall, I'm thinking more like 5'7", I understand that Ryan is a giant, but I'm not tall at all, we'll just have to wait and see!!
Here she is before her appointment, playing in her room. She just heard daddy getting home from work and turned to see him, it was so sweet!

At her checkup, check out those lashes!!!!

Went to lunch with Nona today, she passed out on the way back.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

gettin it all in...

I go back to work on Monday, BOOOOOO, so I've been trying to get in as many visits with people as I can this past week. Monday, we went to see Granny at her new digs. She was so excited to see her, she fed her a bottle and sang her songs. It was very sweet.

After work, Auntie Rachel came over for a visit.
Tuesday, Auntie Regan and Deena came by.
And today, we went to see Grandma Bea. We didn't get there at the best timing, she was in the middle of physical therapy, but we still got a nice visit in and she got to see Mya.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

splish splash

We went to Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe's today to get Mya in the pool. She LOVES her baths and figured she'd LOVE the pool. Plus, she's got an adorable Juicy swimsuit that we had to get on her too!!!!

Uncle Joe got her a ball that she was loving. She was even kicking it like a soccer ball, haha.
In the pool we go...
Aunt Mary, Mya and Mama

Saturday, August 15, 2009

best friends...

We went to Charity and Eric's today to visit with Reese. What a fun day!!!! The girls were being so cute and Ryan was killin the photography.
The guys with their girls.
Sticking their toes in the pool.

Before we left, Babci stopped by. I got a great pic of the 3 of them!!! And they all matched in their white tees.