Saturday, January 30, 2010

my first steps..

SO, the day has come!!!!! Today our little snuggle pups took her first steps!!! OF COURSE after I posted the other storybook post. Ry and I were hangin with her and playing and there she goes, taking 3 steps 2 times in a row!!!!! We got a pretty bad video after a while. It's not easy videoing this, you don't see her whole body, but you get the point!!!! And you hear how happy I am, OMG can this kid get any cuter....I just can't even take her....

A few pics from before all the excitement. Playing with her drum.

Friday, January 29, 2010

9 month stats

I know Mya's nearly 10 months old but we just had her 9 month check up and I wanted to give you all her stats! She is:
19lbs 6ozs (75th percentile)
28inches (75th percentile)
She crawls ALL OVER the place, this girl is fast too! She pulls herself up on anything and everything. She's cruising on everything. This girl is brave, she will be walking any day now. We just got her this shopping cart that she can push around and she it! She LOVES clapping, playing peek-a-boo, tubby time, waving hello/goodbye and eating solid foods. She's pretty much over the pureed foods at this point. She really just wants to chew. And let me tell you how fun it is to actually share food with her. I can peel a banana and we can both eat it, or cut up an apple, it's SO cute!!!! She says dada and mama and knows who we are when she says it. She is super attached to me right now. Ever since she's been sick she's just wanted me to put her to sleep at night. It's been getting to Ry a bit, but I know she'll go through a daddy stage too where all she wants is him. She gives kisses to her toys and books and stuff but doesn't really give kisses to people. Sometimes, if I'm lucky she'll give me a kiss but not whenever I ask for one (maybe it's cause I'm constantly asking for one!!). She's diggin her refrigerator letters, which makes me realize I should probably get more toys for the fridge. She LOVES standing there and taking them off just to throw them on the ground (or shove them in her mouth). Her hair is getting SO long, we actually need the clippies in her hair now to hold it out of her face. She LOVES taking things out of stuff. Like, she'll take out all of her books from her bookcase, or all the laundry from her basket, everything from her diaper bag and just throw it on the ground! I need to teach her how to clean it all back up now!
I truly can't even get enough of this little one. She makes me smile from ear to ear every time I look at her. The faces that she makes crack me up. She LOVES when I give her some water out of my water bottle, she opens her mouth for it, I pour it in and she just spits it right out. It's HYSTERICAL!!!!
She's still sick, I know we're going on 3 weeks now. She's got a cold, fluid in her ear and still a cough. We're still doing the nebulizer and giving her the antibiotic.
Here's a few pics.
Can you even take these faces???


A little view of her top teeth.
and her chunky thighs.


waving to her fishies.

emptying out her bookcase.

still smiles through all the boogies.

and kisses to her cow.

Pushing her grocery cart.
The Jets game was sad but a good one. Even Mya thought so!
She was SO into it!!! I think she even said GO REVIS!!!!
I don't know who eats more of Mya's snacks, Lola or Mya. And a better view of the new Jets clip I made her!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Drs appointment update

We went back to the Dr today, yet again, for a recheck to make sure everything is heading in the right direction. No fever, check. Ears all clear, check. No wheezing, check. The Dr was actually quite surprised that through all of this, she hasn't gotten an ear infection, I thank god! I've never had one but my bestest (and Mya's godmother) has had them quite a few times, and has even been to the er cause of one. So I would HATE to have Mya have to endure even more pain.
They did the finger prick and I sat anxiously in the seat waiting for the results. The Dr came in with a smile, she said it looked great. Her WBC count was at 12.6, which is higher than the 11.8 that we left the hospital with, and higher than normal (which is 10). I was a little worried, wondering that if we're on our way back up to the 20+ count that we had when we were originally sent to the er with; the Dr felt otherwise. She said that it's completely fine. However, after listening to her chest and back she said that she sounded congested. She thinks that she's got a virus, from the numbers she got back from the finger prick (the numbers that make up the WBC). So, we need to now do saline nose drops to break up the congestion. This should be interesting, this girl hates when we wipe her nose, forget trying to use that blue bulb syringe thing that the hospital gave us, she FREAKS!!! The nose drops are gonna be an ordeal. The nose drops, on top of the disgusting antibiotics that she's totally NOT a fan of (they really are GROSS, Ry and I both tried it), and the nebulizer, this girl is gonna HATE us!
We go back next Wednesday for her 9 month check up, she'll do another WBC count to make sure we're 100% normal!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

pics from the weekend...

Although she had an pneumonia and was cooped up in the hospital all weekend. Nothing can stop her happy and playful personality. Here are a few pics.

Mya has an obsession with emptying stuff out. Especially tissue boxes and her wipes. So when I noticed the box of gloves, I let her have at it!

Ry snuck a bottle of wine in the first night and more wine and captain on Sunday for the Jets game. We needed something to calm us down.

Happy little angel.

Playing with daddy.

Time for her nebulizer. The Dr's couldn't believe she actually put it in her mouth, such a good patient!!!

EXHAUSTED mommy and adorable Mya.

She was SO funny, I think she was ready to leave too. She hopped right into the suitcase.

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's Monday morning and I'm sitting here on the hospital cot typing this as Mya is still sleeping. So, just when we thought everything was looking good, it goes down. Friday was great, no fever, great mood, home! Saturday we wake up to happy Mya again, no fever, that was it, HOORAY, we are in the clear. Over 24 hours with no fever, that was it, right??? Saturday afternoon rolls around and I thought Mya felt a little hot. We take her temp and it's up to 102.6, freaking out we take her back to the Dr. We get there, they take a finger prick to check her white blood cell count, back up to 18.9, so she sends us right back to the er. Battling through the tears we get here. WTF is going on here, why is her white blood cell count back up, and more importantly why aren't the damn antibiotics working?????? We get to the er and they run the same tests they did on Wednesday (after waiting 2 hours for a room). We still have yet to get the actual reading on the xrays (which is just frustrating since we've been here 2 damn nights). We got word from the er Dr that he doesn't think the pneumonia looks worse, however our ped, who came by to check on Mya yesterday, thought it looked a little worse. We better get the reading today or I will beat someone. Her blood work came back with her white blood cell count up over 22, which was expected to just keep rising if we hadn't bought her here and just stayed home. They did the blood work when we just came from the Dr's office. Now that they've given her 2 rounds of antibiotics through the iv, we're praying that they've gone down. They're taking more blood work today. She hasn't had a fever since we've been here. The difficult part with Mya is that she's not letting us know that anything is wrong. She's completely acting like herself, playing, crawling, pulling herself up and balancing, wanting to get into anything and everything. This is why our ped didn't send us home yesterday, cause she didn't trust Mya's happy spirits. So, back on the cot I slept. Well, for about an hour until I hopped into the crib WITH Mya. That's right, we shared the CRIB!!!! The weight limit is 300lb, and it helped her sleep better (ok fine, it helped ME sleep better). All I want to do is cuddle, kiss, hug and bite her. She's been such a trooper through everything that's been going on; all the nebulizer treatments, all the Dr's and nurses poking her, taking her vitals, touching her and the extremely uncomfortable living arrangements we've had. Being here has taught me exactly how hard motherhood really is. Although so rewarding and nothing I would EVER want to give up, watching my little baby go through all of this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. I would much rather be the one on the hospital bed, getting poked and bothered by all the Dr's. She is way too little for this. Please keep her in your thoughts today as she gets this bloodwork (that I learned they can't take through the existing location (where they've giving her the iv of antibiotics) no no no, they need to poke her yet again. Fingers crossed that her white blood cell count is back down to normal and that her pneumonia is on its way OUT.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Mya's first visit to the ER

So as you all know our little Mya was sick last week with a fever (first fever ever, so I was freakin that it was at 100.5). We thought that she was getting better since her runny nose was getting better, no fever through the weekend but still a smokers cough. Tuesday Aunt Mary texts me in the afternoon and says she hasn't been herself to just keep eye on her. I get home from work we try to feed her dinner and she didn't want it, which is strange cause this girl ALWAYS eats. I just let it go, thinking maybe it's the cold from last week still lingering. I get ready to put her in the tub and she's burning up. So we take her temp and it's at 103.5!!!!!!!! I start freaking out, call the Dr they say to give her Motrin and a bath, keep an eye on her through the night, to come in the morning. I fill the tub with water and she literally falls asleep on my chest as the water is filling, which is NOT like her at all. I knew it was going to be a rough night. We take her temp at 2am and it's at 102, so we give her more Motrin. We wake in the morning and her temp is back to normal, THANK GOD!!!! So we head to the Dr for a 10am appt. We go in and her temp is at 102.7, they take some blood and her white blood cell count is high so we need to go to the ER for testing. I'm FREAKING out at this point, all by myself with Mya. We get to the ER (where Ry and my aunt meet me), they run tests (blood, xrays, catheterize, and take some mucus), this was so hard to watch girl, the poking and Ry having to hold her down while I try and calm her, just completely breaks my heart. They come back about 3 hours later to tell us everything is fine, they're gonna give her some antibiotics (through IV) to kill bacteria that it must be. We start sending the texts out to let everyone know she's fine, nothing serious. Well 20 minutes before we leave, the Dr comes back to tell us there has been a change and that the radiologist just sent the report and sees a minor pneumonia. So, OF COURSE, I start freakin out cause they didn't catch this originally. How can they not catch this? They give us a prescription of antibiotics for her and we leave. Yesterday we go back to her pediatrician and I noticed some wheezing the previous night. The Dr goes, oh yea I hear that. Like COME ON, why am I hearing this and not her. She advises us that we need to start a nebulizer. Can I tell you exactly how hard this is to do on a little 9 month old who is constantly pushing this thing away from her face. We literally have to sneak it under my arm as I'm nursing her. I would NEVER be able to do this alone! So again, we go back to the Dr today. The wheezing has stopped, however we need to continue with the nebulizer for about 2 weeks. Her temp is down to 100, which is better but we still need to get it back to normal. We're hoping that levels off by tomorrow.
Anyway, here are a few pics from the hospital. Our poor little snugglepuppy is such a trooper.
Here she is playing with all the gauze and stuff before the tests.

Waiting for the xrays. Notice her bandaged hand. That's where the needle was so they could give her the antibiotics later on.

Finally able to take a little nap while we wait for results.

Time for the antibiotics. She wanted to rip the tube out. She is so feisty!!!

She did get a soccer ball from one of the nurses. TIME TO GO!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Reese!!!!!!!

Sorry I'm a day late her honey. Happy 1st Birthday!!!! I can't even believe that she turned one yesterday. I can still remember when we got the call from Eric saying that she was born. Ry and I waited on the edge of our seats for the next call to say we can come to visit. We were already in the car when he finally called, just driving around waiting. We were SO excited to finally meet our little niece!!! We love you SO much and hope you had an amazing day! So sorry we missed your birthday party. I would have died if Mya got someone sick. I feel so bad for her and would hate to have another parent go through this cause of us. We will make it up to you by having another one. LOVE YOU!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

9 months old and sick :(

Can you even believe that she's 9 months old today? I truly can't. It seems like just yesterday she was born. She's growing so much and doing SO much too. She's been crawling non stop since 5.5 months old. I can totally remember the first time it happened, the day after Rachel and Will's wedding, Sept 19th. Ry called me upstairs to tell me I had to see something. I get up and she's doing the army crawl across the floor. Cutest thing ever, well that is until she started standing, than balancing, now cruising along everything. I can't wait for the day I see her first steps. My heart melts when I see all these new milestones in her life. She's so strong and so curious. She doesn't let anything pass her. If someone enters the room, she knows!!! And when I nurse her, FORGET IT, it takes double the time cause she's constantly stopping to check out what's going on around her. She cracks me up!!!
She got her first little cold yesterday. Aunt Mary had mentioned to Ry on Wednesday that she had this bugger in her nose. So she got it, and from the second she picked it, her nose has been runny ever since (THANKS AUNT MARY, just kidding). She woke up Thursday morning (no fever) but had a crazy runny nose. I took her to Marys and Mary called me in the afternoon to tell me that her fever was up to 100.8. I start freaking out cause this is the first fever she's ever had. Not to mention the fact that we have Reese's 1st Birthday party on Saturday (that we're going to have to miss since I will NOT be the mother who's child gets everyone sick. I would HATE if someone did that to me!). So I get home from work and her fever has gone down to 100.5. She goes to bed last night and wakes up at 2:45. All congested but with no fever, it was down to 98.5, which surprised me cause a few people warned me that it spikes at night. I was expecting 101 at least, especially cause I felt like she was HOT. She wakes up this morning, nose all crusty, almost completely blocking her nostril. She also had some guck on her eye. I go into the bathroom and let the shower run with steaming hot water for about 15 minutes to try and clear it up a bit. We go to the Dr at 10 and she's got no infection (THANK GOD!), just a little cold. Nothing I can really do but tylenol or motrin, humidifier and saline nose drops. She's still acting fine, was actually cracking up tonight. Poor little monkey, I don't like seeing her like this. I just keep cuddling her and giving her tons of hugs and kisses. However, I got her saying mama on tape tonight!!!! Yes yes yes everyone, she clearly said dada first. But she's finally starting to throw mama in there too (as well as baba, yaya and other little baby words). It's still totally indiscriminate, but none the less absolutely adorable and just another reason for me to kiss her all over.
Check out this sick face :( Can you even take the smile through all the crusty buggers!!! I can't!

Here's the video of her saying mama

Monday, January 4, 2010

We got a visit from our old neighbors yesterday. We had a BLAST!!! They have 2 cuties, Adrienne who is 3 and Nick who is 15 months old.
Mya is not shy with her feelings for Nick.

I can't really blame her, look at him!!!!

Adrienne teaching Mya a thing or two.

Trying to get a pic of the 3 of them was impossible.

Ade was giving Mya these adorable little hugs.

Than Nick saw the action and came to me with open arms, SO CUTE!!

Ade started modeling for Ry, I think I may have some competition!!

Takin a little food break.

OF COURSE they showed some love when it was time to say bye.