Friday, January 8, 2010

9 months old and sick :(

Can you even believe that she's 9 months old today? I truly can't. It seems like just yesterday she was born. She's growing so much and doing SO much too. She's been crawling non stop since 5.5 months old. I can totally remember the first time it happened, the day after Rachel and Will's wedding, Sept 19th. Ry called me upstairs to tell me I had to see something. I get up and she's doing the army crawl across the floor. Cutest thing ever, well that is until she started standing, than balancing, now cruising along everything. I can't wait for the day I see her first steps. My heart melts when I see all these new milestones in her life. She's so strong and so curious. She doesn't let anything pass her. If someone enters the room, she knows!!! And when I nurse her, FORGET IT, it takes double the time cause she's constantly stopping to check out what's going on around her. She cracks me up!!!
She got her first little cold yesterday. Aunt Mary had mentioned to Ry on Wednesday that she had this bugger in her nose. So she got it, and from the second she picked it, her nose has been runny ever since (THANKS AUNT MARY, just kidding). She woke up Thursday morning (no fever) but had a crazy runny nose. I took her to Marys and Mary called me in the afternoon to tell me that her fever was up to 100.8. I start freaking out cause this is the first fever she's ever had. Not to mention the fact that we have Reese's 1st Birthday party on Saturday (that we're going to have to miss since I will NOT be the mother who's child gets everyone sick. I would HATE if someone did that to me!). So I get home from work and her fever has gone down to 100.5. She goes to bed last night and wakes up at 2:45. All congested but with no fever, it was down to 98.5, which surprised me cause a few people warned me that it spikes at night. I was expecting 101 at least, especially cause I felt like she was HOT. She wakes up this morning, nose all crusty, almost completely blocking her nostril. She also had some guck on her eye. I go into the bathroom and let the shower run with steaming hot water for about 15 minutes to try and clear it up a bit. We go to the Dr at 10 and she's got no infection (THANK GOD!), just a little cold. Nothing I can really do but tylenol or motrin, humidifier and saline nose drops. She's still acting fine, was actually cracking up tonight. Poor little monkey, I don't like seeing her like this. I just keep cuddling her and giving her tons of hugs and kisses. However, I got her saying mama on tape tonight!!!! Yes yes yes everyone, she clearly said dada first. But she's finally starting to throw mama in there too (as well as baba, yaya and other little baby words). It's still totally indiscriminate, but none the less absolutely adorable and just another reason for me to kiss her all over.
Check out this sick face :( Can you even take the smile through all the crusty buggers!!! I can't!

Here's the video of her saying mama

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