Monday, January 18, 2010

It's Monday morning and I'm sitting here on the hospital cot typing this as Mya is still sleeping. So, just when we thought everything was looking good, it goes down. Friday was great, no fever, great mood, home! Saturday we wake up to happy Mya again, no fever, that was it, HOORAY, we are in the clear. Over 24 hours with no fever, that was it, right??? Saturday afternoon rolls around and I thought Mya felt a little hot. We take her temp and it's up to 102.6, freaking out we take her back to the Dr. We get there, they take a finger prick to check her white blood cell count, back up to 18.9, so she sends us right back to the er. Battling through the tears we get here. WTF is going on here, why is her white blood cell count back up, and more importantly why aren't the damn antibiotics working?????? We get to the er and they run the same tests they did on Wednesday (after waiting 2 hours for a room). We still have yet to get the actual reading on the xrays (which is just frustrating since we've been here 2 damn nights). We got word from the er Dr that he doesn't think the pneumonia looks worse, however our ped, who came by to check on Mya yesterday, thought it looked a little worse. We better get the reading today or I will beat someone. Her blood work came back with her white blood cell count up over 22, which was expected to just keep rising if we hadn't bought her here and just stayed home. They did the blood work when we just came from the Dr's office. Now that they've given her 2 rounds of antibiotics through the iv, we're praying that they've gone down. They're taking more blood work today. She hasn't had a fever since we've been here. The difficult part with Mya is that she's not letting us know that anything is wrong. She's completely acting like herself, playing, crawling, pulling herself up and balancing, wanting to get into anything and everything. This is why our ped didn't send us home yesterday, cause she didn't trust Mya's happy spirits. So, back on the cot I slept. Well, for about an hour until I hopped into the crib WITH Mya. That's right, we shared the CRIB!!!! The weight limit is 300lb, and it helped her sleep better (ok fine, it helped ME sleep better). All I want to do is cuddle, kiss, hug and bite her. She's been such a trooper through everything that's been going on; all the nebulizer treatments, all the Dr's and nurses poking her, taking her vitals, touching her and the extremely uncomfortable living arrangements we've had. Being here has taught me exactly how hard motherhood really is. Although so rewarding and nothing I would EVER want to give up, watching my little baby go through all of this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. I would much rather be the one on the hospital bed, getting poked and bothered by all the Dr's. She is way too little for this. Please keep her in your thoughts today as she gets this bloodwork (that I learned they can't take through the existing location (where they've giving her the iv of antibiotics) no no no, they need to poke her yet again. Fingers crossed that her white blood cell count is back down to normal and that her pneumonia is on its way OUT.

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