Thursday, December 27, 2012

clippity cloppity

Every year, New Brunswick has free horse and carriage rides in December.  This is the first year we've gone on them, but we'll make it a new tradition cause it was so super cute!  Mya loved it and Ash was just too cold to move.  It was pretty cold out but it was a short ride.  Mya sang jingle bells the entire time and waved to everyone on the road.  My Nonna was in town too, for Christmas, so we all went together.  We had dinner at mom and dad's first.
Then we headed to the clippity clops.  Ash petting the pony. 
 Time to go!
 Me and my girl.
 Ash all bundled up.
 With the horse's that took us for our ride.
So much fun!!!

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