Thursday, December 20, 2012

time to get the holiday partying started!

This is the 2nd year we've been at the kids holiday party that Bob and Maureen's country club hosts.  This year, Ash was a little under the weather so Ry stayed home with her and I took the bean.  I know Ash would have had a great time, and I'm so sad she missed it, but I didn't want her infecting anyone.  Plus, she needed to rest up. 
Mya and Ava giving hello hugs, these 2 are just so so sweet together.  The cousin love is just heart warming.
Ava spinning the bean
Big group hug.
So So jumped in.
The girls were having such a great time dancing around the dance floor.
But So So was busy making snow angels?
Mya at the head of the conga line!
They did a great job of keeping the kids entertained for hours!  They had a basketball shooting contest.  So So was dead set on standing under the hoop to watch all the baskets.  TOO FUNNY!
Time to sit on Santa's lap.
Ava having a great convo with Santa, telling him she wanted a pony!  LOL, true story!
So so and the bean, love these 2
Jimmy came for a bit, he got into it too.
Jimmy also snapped this pic, thanks bro!
They had a magician too.  No joke, that guy kept them entertained for an hour!  It was so nice just having Mya actually, cause I didn't have to chase Ash around while Mya was enjoying the show.
They hand out all sorts of stuff for the kids while they're on the dance floor tearing ish up.  Mya got a hat at one point.  I snapped this pic for Uncle Pete!
This was the SWEETEST thing.  Mya came up to me at one point and said, "Mommy, I want to dance with Minnie."  I told her to go up to her and tell her that, she did and they started dancing, SWEETEST thing ever!
Oh hey Madonna
Dancing with Minnie and Mickey Mouse.
Gi Gi and Peepa, love these 2 so much.  Aren't they just the cutest?!
We had such a great time again this year.  It's so great to start the holiday partying off with a kids party.  Love you all so much.  xoxo

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