Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree....

We were originally planning our Christmas decoration day for the Sunday after Thanksgiving.  Packed with getting our tree and decorating our house.  Since it was a little early this year, and our tree died early last year, we decided to hold off on the Christmas tree part for the following weekend.  We headed out to the same place we always go to (giving it one last try to see if it'd make it, so far so good!).  We LOVE this place, the people are so nice and we usually love the pickings.  We told them when we got there that our tree died too, so they gave us this stuff to put into the water (for free)!
We ran into a family friend when we were there, they snapped a family pic of us!
Off to find the tree!
Ash was scanning the trees.
Mya was ready to smile.
IMPOSSIBLE to get a shot of them looking and smiling.
These 2 were SO SUPER DUPER cute when looking around.  They held hands, stopped at some, and it just melted my heart.
stopping to check one out
I just couldn't love these 2 any more.
Mya wanted to take a pic, and she's pretty good at it too!
I had to get one of her too.  My beans, love her.
With my girlies.
Daddy with his girls.
This was the sweetest thing and I can't believe that Ry got it on the camera.  The people were roping the tree to our roof, Mya came up to me and hugged me as hard as she could.  She said, Mommy, I'm SO excited for our tree, I love you so much!  I wish I could bottle this little angel up and keep her this age forever.
I couldn't make this cuteness up if I tried.  On our way home, I turn around to see the girls holding hands.  Tis the season for loving sissy bonds and making mommy melt and tear up at any chance possible.
Got home and Mya helped daddy take it off the roof.
We didn't decorate it till the following night.  We had the Christmas music blasting, hot chocolate all around and merry spirits all ready to get started.  Daddy put the lights on first, then Mya was dying to get the star on, so we did that next.
Break for a candy cane.  Yup, that's peanut butter, who landed in the tree from the night before.  He was excited for our tree too!
Ash was excited to help decorate the tree this year.
I suck at taking pics, I love to capture the lights of the tree so used our low budget light scoop.  I think it's about time I invest in a external flash.
Everyone helping out.
Ash was having a blast, taking off all the ornaments Mya was putting on!
Little beans was standing on her stool to get the best spots.
Ash had to copy.
Mya, can you smile next to the tree for me?
Little sass
posing for mama!
These are some random pics with the tree from last night too.  Seriously so annoyed with how dark they are but if you can possibly see the girls in them, they look super cute so I had to share.
 This would be Ash showing us her muscles!  LOL 
 LOVE that smile!
 My 2 favorites!
 Since it was from last night, Uncle Pankie was there too so we snapped a pic of him and the bean...xoxo

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