Monday, December 10, 2012

our trip to see Santa

We took the girls to see Santa early this year, the weekend after Thanksgiving.  We were going to get our tree that Sunday but since last year it died, we decided to wait till the following weekend for that.  To keep the Sunday a fun Christmas Sunday we decided to take the girls to see Santa.  Mya was super excited to tell Santa that she wanted Barbie's.  Ashley I was a little skeptical about, but figured she'd be fine.  We went to Brunswick Square mall since it's small and crappy and usually dead.  We only waited in line about 15 minutes.  Ry walked around with Ash to keep her occupied, Mya stayed with me, practicing her smile, lol!
 Waiting on the side with daddy.
 It's our turn, they told us we can put the girls on Santa's lap and they were just finishing up the customer before us.  I told them that I wasn't going to put Ash down just yet.  Santa completely got it and agreed.  It was time for the pic.  I looked at Ash, set her down.  She looked up at him and all hell broke loose!  Needless to say, she wasn't a fan!  Mya was all smiles though.  I was pleading and begging with Ash, dancing, singing, anything to make her smile. 
This was the one we bought, no tears, score I guess.
After realizing that Ash is just at that age, I went back and remembered Mya screamed that year too!  LOL
Man, hopefully next year we'll get smiles from both sides!

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