Friday, February 1, 2013

iphone pics - January 2013

Another month, another iphone photo dump!  I wish there was a memory card for the iphone, I don't have nearly enough space.  I am constantly uploading pics and deleting from my phone.  Or maybe I just take too many pics, hmmmm.
Here we are at the park.  This was actually right after Reese's 4th birthday party.
Swinging with daddy.
Enjoying one of the favors from her party. YUMMM!!!
There's this new place in New Brunswick.  It's a hot dog joint, Destination Dogs, SLAMMIN!  All the dogs are named after am airport or place in the world.  This is the Conquistadog:Spain.  It's got spicy chorizo, fried potatos, spicy mayo (which I'm not really a huge fan of, but on this was slammin) and scallions.  HOLY GOODNESS!
The following day, feeling extra fat, I made myself a spinach, mushroom, tomato and feta omelet.  Trying to make up for the previous nights fail to my waistline.
one morning drop off.  The girls with their favorite titi.
A few throwbacks I found at my parents one Thursday night. 
Damn, Mya is my mini!
Don't sweat it.
Ash actually liked dinner tonight.  She's not a big eater, so when she wants to actually suck the juice off the plate, it's a real friggin success!
Dewey made milkshakes for dessert!
Frank took this, lol!
Ry and I went out to visit Michael and Laura one Saturday night at Stirling.  Michael ordered us this appetizer cause the mozzarella was super fresh.  It was SLAMMIN!  Bought us back to Stage Left days when we'd go and Michael would just order stuff for us that he thought we'd like.  I miss those days!
brother brother
date night!
Lately, Ash has been wanting to put on Mya's undies.  And I'm talking, put on like 10 pairs, over her clothes.  Once she has them on, she goes about her day like it's completely normal.  This kid is a nutzo.
She let me braid her hair.  The braid lasted for as long as it took me to take this pic.
A visit with Archie.  This kid is friggin edible.  Do you see those thigh rolls.  This pic doesn't show the length of his killer lashes either.  This kid is purely delectable!
Back to back, JoJo and Archie.
LOVE this sweet face.
Meanwhile, Mya's on the couch rubbing Joey's head, lol!
We updated (well Ry hung it all) our photo wall.  The pics we had up were basically all our wedding pics.  We wanted to get some pics of the girls up there, friends, family, you know a little bit of everything.  This is an ongoing thing, so we'll be switching around alot more!
Ladies night, finally!  I've been trying to get out on Wednesday's.  Ry always goes to man night on Thursday's.  He always tells me to go out on Wednesday's so I started doing it and it's so nice!  I love my fam and all, but it's nice to spend some QT with my girl!!!!  Lets keep this up!
She's got money on her mind.
One night we finished tubs, were reading books and Ash goes, "BAY, BAYYYYYY."  I'm like WTF are you talking about kid.  She runs into her room and comes back with her bathing suit.  I go, you want to put on your bathing suit. YES she says.  This is what happened.  Yes, those are Mya's socks that Ash insists on wearing, pulled all the way up.
Poor Ash, finally getting some rest the day after the stomach bug hit her hard.
Mya about to go to Babci's birthday party.  She's a little obsessed with pink.  There was no getting this pink cardigan off of her and having her put on a neutral color.  oh well.
A better day!  LOVE her little style!
Girls, can I get a pic of you 2.  This is what I get, both of them plopped on the ground where they were standing. 
snuggle bunny.
I SO wish she'd let me do her hair and would leave it in.  I tried to do a french braid that curved around into a side messy pony. LOVE this look.  But she took it out 2 seconds later and wouldn't let me do the messy pony. 
My sicky.
...sicky turned into looney!
She LOVES cereal! 
Mya's been loving Jenga lately.  Ash clearly wanted to pummel it!
Someone got herself into Mya's eyeshadow!
She was so happy with the outcome!
tubby time fun.
Ryan has been drawing alot with Mya.  He LOVES to draw and Mya has been loving to learn with him.  Usually they draw monsters, don't ask me why, I just look at them when they're done.  This time Mya wanted to learn how to draw a cat.  Ry drew the top one and told Mya to mirror it, I think he went part by part with her.  She did friggin awesome!
Ashley LOVES to wear Mya's bathrobe.  Which then spirals down to Mya who wears mine.
Uncle Pankie horsey rides! 
 After tubby smiles.
 We were at a stop light, I turn around to her putting her lip gloss on, SUCH a girlie girl.  LOVE it!
 I took a half day yesterday.  The weather was so nice so when I locked us out of the house (yup that happened) it wasn't so bad to just play.  The girls were being so cute together.  Mya ran ahead, stopped, turned around and said, run to big sissy!
 Ash obliged!
 "Ash, wanna get in, I'll keep you warm!"  I was slowly melting.
Playing hide and go seek outside.
Happy February everyone!

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