Friday, January 4, 2013

let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Last Saturday it snowed.  I couldn't believe how much it was coming down at one point.  Now, being a daughter to my wonderful (and crazy) father, Dewey, I knew that there was only one thing that we were allowed to do with this snow coming down....GO SLEIGH RIDING!  I have so many memories of my dad taking us sleigh riding.  Even waking up in the night if it was snowing enough, to pack up, pick up some friends, and hit up Buccleuch Park, or better yet, Highland Park.  Whether it was Donaldson Park or just some random, sketchy back streets where he used to sleigh ride when he was a kid.  It was always so fun and it will always be remembered not only by me and my brothers but also by our friends.  Ry and I already said to each other we will be doing the same thing when the girls get a little older!
It was so so pretty when it was coming down.
Mya was SO excited to go outside and play in it.
Ash was loving it too and was ready to hop onto the sled.
But, being my daughter, they knew there was one thing I had to do first, TAKE A PIC!  Lol, sorry girlies, mommy likes to remember these moments.  When I get old and lose my mind (I haven't yet, right?), I'll be looking back on these photos, remembering how much fun we had this exact day.  LOVE YOU!
First daddy started a snowball fight.
Daddy and his girls, these 3 are my heart and soul.
Little miss independent wanted to go down by herself, so typical.
It's a race....and Mya won!
Ash wanted to walk down the hill, silly girl.
Mya even did a snow angel, on the cement, but whatever.
Of course, Dewey and Nonna met us there, would you expect anything less?  Ash was pissed when she realized she couldn't go home with them and had to come with us.  Sorry snaps!
Here are a few videos I got.
Ry started pushing Ash down the, less steep, street (that's blocked off).  She was LOVING IT!  I wish the lens wasn't blurry here.  But you can see how excited she was.
This just cracks me up of Ash running up the hill.  LOVE these girls.  Ryan took them up the hill and had them race down.  Luckily the hill wasn't steep (it was actually the road, blocked off of course) however, poor Ash off roaded and face planted into the grass!  She was fine within seconds.  Poor thing.
Dewey and Nonna when they came too!
We had so much fun, the girls had a friggin blast!  Can't wait for the next snow storm!  We'll be calling you girls too, Jen, Ava and SoSo, the girls would have a BALL!!!! xoxo

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