Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy 4th Reesie!

Saturday we celebrated Reesie's 4th Birthday.  WOW, I seriously can't believe she's 4 already (which mean Mya will be 4 in 3 months, BOO).  I feel like I'm always writing this, but I still remember meeting you the day you were born, in the hospital.  You were so teeny tiny and perfect, just like you still are, but not so teeny tiny anymore!  We are so happy that we were there celebrating with you.  You are Mya's oldest friend, you guys have basically grown up together.  It's amazing looking back and seeing pics of you together when you were just months old.  I LOVE that. 
Your mama did an amazing job, as she always does, decorating for your birthday.  She works so hard doing all this, and you can tell!  It came out amazingly perfect!  MOVE OVER MARTHA, Char is about to break through!  You need to start doing this as a career girl, you have that gene, FOR SURE!
It was at the indoor aquatic center, where she had her 2nd birthday party too.  She did an ice cream sundae bar too, which was the focal point of the decorations, AMAZING!
So many adorable details, ALL handmade.
LOVE this pic!
Favors were homemade ice cream cones, with cotton candy filled as the ice cream.
She painted the tips of the spoons and added a little message.
Ice cream cone cupcakes.  The icing was RIDIC!
Just so super cute.  Great job Char!!!!
OMG, getting ready to go swim.  The 2 cuties in the polka dots.  LOVE LOVE LOVE! 
Impossible to get a pic of the 2 together.  This will have to do!
The adorable Osmond crew.
Into the pool we go.  I can't even get enough of the little hineys!
Mya running back to get Ash to get her booty in!
Tony with his girlies.
LOVE this pic of this cutie pie.
I always think how lucky all of us girls are to have such amazing husbands who are amazing fathers.  They are all so hands on and you can just see the love that they have for their girlies.  It's even better when they just help out with your kiddies when you don't want to put your cottage cheese thighs into your bikini in January!  lol, Thanks Tony!
LOVING the lazy river with big sissy and daddy.
Reesie too!
Brookie was just hanging with her Mimi and Poppy.
This was the best I got of the 2 girlies, lol
Playing together.
Eva is just absolutely beautiful.
My god daughter, love her.
Some of the girls...
At one point, Mya was helping Ash in the lazy river (which didn't look so lazy, lol).  It was so so cute. 
Then, if it couldn't get any cuter, they smooched.  AND I GOT IT!
All done swimming and ready for the treats.  Oh yes she is!
Gracie and Mya
Patiently waiting, yea right!
Sharing a table with Gracie
What are these 2 up to???
This was pretty funny.  Mya kept wanting to give Eva food.  She literally would take a crumb sized piece of the chip and give it to her.  Telling me that she didn't want her to choke cause she's too little.  OMG, hysterical!
Helping Eva doll up.
Time to sing to the (almost) 4 year old...
Making her wish!!!!
Ashley loved making her sundae.  We all sure love our ice cream!
The beautiful Leonhardt family.  OF COURSE, they are all color coordinated, did you expect any less from Char?! I love that about you (on top of the million other things!).

Love you Reesie.  Hope your party was all you ever dreamed it would be.  Happy Birthday love muffin.  xoxo

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