Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Babci!

Last Monday, Babci turned 80.  To celebrate, we all had plans to go to dinner last Sunday.  However, Ash and I weren't able to make it.  Saturday night, Ash woke up at 10pm screaming.  We usually let her just cry it out, but it didn't sound like her normal cry.  I went up there with Ry behind me, and we walked in to smell throw up, EVERYWHERE!  Poor boo.  I took her out of her crib, changed her, while Ry stripped her bed and cleaned off everything.  We got her clothed and I sat in the chair with her.  It was a LONG, dirty night.  She threw up about 8 more times.  Like, no joke, the kid clearly had nothing left.  We got no sleep.  Ry and I took turns and prayed we'd come out healthy.  Sunday morning, Mya was still fine.  Ry decided to just go with her.  Cioci, Steven, Krysia and Piece were in and we were really all DYING to see them, it's been way too long. 
Ry got there and was texting me pics a few times through the night.  I was SO SO sad that I couldn't be there to celebrate and visit with everyone.  But we didn't want to spread our germs with Ash being so sick the night before.  Here's a table shot Ry took and sent me.
Mya and Cioci.  LOVE!
After dinner, they all went back to Babci's for dessert.  I think Mya was enjoying all the chocolate.
Sunday night, Mya went to sleep but woke up at 3am, throwing up everywhere.  We kept her in our room since Ash was still not herself.  So, our bed was covered in puke, FUN!  We stripped the bed (getting damn good at this with my eyes half closed) and were remaking it when Ry came in to tell Mya something.  "Honey, if you think you're gonna throw up again, try to run to the bathroom."  I was so pissed, how can you possibly tell a 3 year old that.  My poor boo is sick, you can throw up all over me I tell her.  And with that, she lifted her head upright, as we were making the bed, ran into the bathroom and threw up in there!  Are you kidding me?  This kid is amazing.  I couldn't believe it, I was so proud of her for running in there.  So, we all hopped into bed, with towels all around and under us.  The next (about) 10 times that she woke up that night, she ran into the bathroom, with me right behind her.  The next day, I was off for Martin Luther King Jr Day, thank god.  Ry stayed home in the morning to help me with the girls since Ash was having a terrible sleep and Mya was in our bed.  I didn't want to be in Ash's room rocking her and have Mya unattended since she was so sick.  He left around 10:30 and the girls and I just really relaxed on the couch all day.  It was a lazy day.  That night, I was feeling a little off.  I made chicken noodle soup for dinner, figured something light for the girls.  I ate about 3 scoops and didn't want anymore.  Plus I wasn't really eating much throughout the day cause I felt bad eating in front of them.  That night, Ry put the girls in the tub and I ran downstairs to the bathroom, it was my turn now!  OY!  Mine didn't last long, I was up most of the night, but only really threw up twice.  The other times I felt like I was going to, but never did.  I just felt so queasy.  We all woke up Tuesday, I didn't go to work and kept the girls home with me again.  They were better but didn't want to spread the germs (which somehow spread anyway).  Ry went into work late again to help out in the morning.  I told him to just go at one point and regretted it the second he left.  The girls were being good, but Ash just doesn't nap for me!  I was drained too.  They wanted to eat, I didn't want to look at food.  Ry got home and I passed out on the couch, with Mya, for a good 1.5 hours.  I woke up and went back to bed with the girls.  We also found out that Krysia got the bug too :(  So sorry Krysia.  We're all better now, but as strange as it is, my ENTIRE family got it this past weekend.  Like my dad, mom, Frank, Mary, Joe, Alexis, Joey and JoJo (which is the worst part, cause he had to go to the hospital since he couldn't keep anything down).  So, when I really thought our bug was over and done with on Wednesday, as I dropped the girls off to Mary's.  It may have just still been lingering.  Damn, I felt SO bad when I kept hearing it spread to more and more people.  I'm glad it's over for everyone now though. 
Anyway, we love you Babci.  Hope your birthday was extra special.  Sorry we missed it, but I know you had a great time with everyone there.  xoxoxo

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