Friday, December 13, 2013

not your next figure skaters....

I've been telling the girls about how we need to go ice skating for a while now.  I finally said, we will go Thanksgiving weekend.  SO, the weekend came and there is no way I would not take them, I was uber excited anyway.  The only part that I was nervous about was the fact that Ry couldn't join us.  He'd be there, of course, but since he's got a big ole foot, size 15 to be exact, he won't fit into any rental, which only goes up to 13.  Now, if it was 14, I KNOW he'd squeeze his foot in, but I couldn't imagine going 2 sizes lower (let alone 1), so didn't expect him to!  So, I was pretty confident that I'd be fine taking them both in myself.  How hard could it be, really?  Well we get there and Ry is going to go into the arcade to chill, Ash immediately says, I don't want to ice skate I want to play video games with daddy.  I think he pretty much melted to the ground immediately and scooped her up and took her right in.  SO, Mya and I went to get our skates.
Mya was all ready and happier then a pig in $hit! 
 And here goes nothing....not quite as easy as I remember.
 I seriously got on the ice and felt like I'd never done it.  I was so wobbly and holding Mya's hand who was just as wobbly.  It was like the blind leading the blind.  However, Mya was so confident and kept telling me to let go of her hand, she probably felt the nervous energy radiating off of me.  She seriously couldn't have had a better time. 
 Stopped for a second to smile with mama.
 Ry came in with Ash after about 30-45 minutes and Ash wanted to come in SO BAD.  I felt really bad but there is NO way I would have been able to handle both of them.  My back hurt, from leaning down to pick Mya up.  I felt 100 years old.  So once they came in and she wanted in, we just decided to take one more circle around then leave and get some lunch.
 Off we go.
 Switching our skates for shoes.  Ash had me dying cause Ry got her Cheetos, face all orange but this is her cheese face no less.
 We had SO MUCH FUN!  I can't wait to do it again and be a little more comfortable out there so I can be more helpful.  Although, Mya was more confident and kept telling me, "Let go mommy, I have it now."  It was so damn cute! A little video too, of course.

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