Friday, December 20, 2013

December birthday celebration - Cassidy style

The December birthday celebration at the Bea house!  Celebrating Ryan and Michael's, Jimmy's and Gi-Gi's!  SO MUCH FUN!!
I mean, these 4 just kill me.
Trying to get a gem.  It was so funny cause they all were in white/grey/black color scheme.
And always so much love for our Mimi!
Soso's turn.
future ballerina.
Soso was just running in circles around the post.
Ava wouldn't smile for me, I got the thumbs down.
Time for the cake.  SoSo, Ash and Mya jumped up there immediately.
love birds
The guys.
A little happy birthday dancing going on.
Make a wish...
Birthday bandits.
Attempting to take a group shot. 
But Megan wasn't in it, so I put the timer on.  I ran over, to the left and Megan and I squeezed in and we both were cut out!  LOL!
Time to help Gigi open her gifts.
WEEEEEEEEEEEEE, daddy was flipping her all around.
Then Uncle Jimmy came and tossed her on the couch.
Reading the amazing book gifted to us by Mimi from our trip to Norz farm!  THANKS, we love it!
This little crack was hanging out of her pj's, killing me!
LOL, these ladies are silly!
Taking turns singing into their crayons.
Hope your birthday's were happy.  Love you all tons.  xoxo

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