Monday, December 23, 2013

Horse and buggy rides

I love that New Brunswick offers free horse and buggy rides in December.  It's so cute and what kid doesn't love horses.  We did this last year on the coldest, windiest day.  I was super excited to do it again this year, with Ava too!  We got there and the line was SO long.  Luckily we found a close spot, so the girls and Ry were able to wait in the car.  Finally, 45 minutes later, it was our turn!
Since there were 9 of us, we couldn't all go.  Ry told my mom to go since he went last year and he knew my mom would love to go with all her grand daughters.  So, here we go!
LOVE this!
Can you even take Ava's cheese face?!  Love that girl.
Love this little holiday tradition!

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