Monday, December 30, 2013

Scicutella Christmas

 Another friend I feel so blessed to have had for so long.  Regs and I met in elementary school, she was my cool older BFF.  We had kids around the same time too and it's so cool to see them growing up together.  Mya and Gia remind me of how Regs and I were since we were a year apart.  SO CUTE! 
Time to open presents!!!
 A princess got another princess dress!! LOVE IT!
 Jack and the guys.
 Ash got those pj's from them for christmas and had to immediately put them on, WINNER!
 You know, the things we don't have at home.  They're always a hit!
 Such great friends.  It's so cute to see them play togehter.  They play so good too, you never have to worry about anything.  LOVE YOU GUYS!
 Ry and my other little cutie pie godson.  This kid melts me and makes me want a boy SO SO SO BAD!
Love you guys so much, thanks for an awesome day.

Christmas with the Duprees

It's absolutely crazy to think that Rachel and I have been friends since we were Mya's age!  We met in Pre-K, at the same Pre-K that Mya and Willie go to (although in different years, unfortunately).  So seeing how close our kids are now, truly is so special to me.  We have dinner over eachothers houses every other Tuesday.  Willie is my godson, Mya is Rachel's.  She's truly the sister I never had.  Love you so much girl.  So Tuesday, the 17th we decided to do little gifts for the kids and celebrate at our dinner.  We get there and the chaos ensues. 
 They were taking turns jumping from the couch and landing butt first on the seat.  It was funny...
 Ky wanted a turn.
 Can you even take this girl?  Every part of her is squeezeable!
 Present time, LOL.
 Love this little guy.
 Dr Bea to the rescue!
 Mya wanted a turn and took it to the next level.
 Back to jumping around for these silly kids. 
 Just love our Tuesday's.
LOVE you Duprees.

Happy Birthday Pete

I seriously can't believe my little bro turned 27 this month.  Makes me feel pretty damn old! I guess that does mean I'm getting older.  We went to his house to celebrate.  It's really so nice living so close to family, I don't know what I'd do without them and without celebrating birthdays and holiday's with them.
Ava playing with Nona and Dewey.
 Mya, Ash and Niyell were
 Ava wanted to jam out to Dewey's ipod.
 Helping her daddy open up his cards.
 Time to sing!
 Pete with his fam and nieces and nephew.
 Such a cute pic.
 Ava halfway in there too!
Love you Pete.  Hope this year is filled with lots of special moments.  xoxo

a full day of kids holiday parties

That weekend was super crazy, which I LOVE.  This Sunday we had 2 Christmas parties to hit up.  Mya got ready in a jiffy.
First up, PA, to Mimi and Poppy's country club kids party.  Always a good time.  Last year Ash was sick so didn't come.  This year she was at an awesome age to enjoy it all.  They LOVE the train table.
With Gigi, just LOVE this pic.
IMPOSSIBLE to get a pic of the 2 of them looking.  Better yet, impossible to get a pic of Ash looking, Mya is always ready!
Playing hot potato.
Thank god Cassidy and Gracie were on either side of the girls to help them understand it.  Mya and SoSo quickly got it, but Ash was still just wanting to hold the stuffed animal.
These 3, too stinkin cute.
Ava won a hat.
Cassidy/Bea/Cust clan all over the train table.
Could they be any cuter?
Some fun with the DJ.
Dancing away, had me dying!

....meanwhile Ash is behind the DJ booth, scoping the prizes.
Santa is here!!!
It was impossible to get a pic of all of them looking and smiling.
Mimi and Poppy's grand-daughters with Santa.
In came Frosty and Mike from Monsters Inc.  Ash was so funny with them.  She wouldn't hug them, but came close and was so curious about them.
The magician came, such a fun part for the kids.  Gracie was called up to help out, she did amazing!
The kids watching him and loving it.
Ash and Soso were dying!
Gracie, MaryKate, Ava and Mya
SoSo, Ash and Cassidy
Ice cream sundae making time.
The kids started a conga line, too funny.
Another moment with Frosty, lol
This kid PASSED OUT on the way to party #2.  She kicked off her shoes, coat and even pulled up her leggings for the nap.
We got there and Jojo was there too.  SO FUNNY, he was walking around with a spoon the whole time.  Wouldn't let that thing go for the life of him.  Even tried to eat with it!
Mya and JoJo really are so stinkin cute together. 
Presents from Santa!!!
Ice cream time.
Ash and her BFF
Basketball time.  Mya was playing so good with these 2 older girls.  It was cute to see her tossing the bball around too.