Tuesday, July 20, 2010

welcome ketchup

It's been getting hard to get her to eat the same old, grilled chicken, or any sort of protein. She's got a place in her heart for carbs, I can't blame the girl though, so do I! In an effort to get her to eat more, we bought these little chicken nuggets (well they were really the sauce and toss chicken nuggets but we didn't sauce and toss them for her!). She was a little ehhh at first so I thought, hey, maybe I'll just put some ketchup on her plate and she'll have fun dipping it, WORKED LIKE A CHARM!!!!!!! Even worked last night with grilled chicken!!! She was funny too, I had to leave the ketchup on her tray and every once in a while she'd grab the ketchup and hand to me to put more on her plate. I'd open it and pretend I was putting more in there and she'd go right back to eating!!!! FOOLED YA BUTTONS!!!!!

Little mama stickin her tongue out at me!

And no worries, she had a boat load of grapes right before this, so she didn't JUST eat the chicken nuggets!

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