Thursday, July 22, 2010

our happy little fishy

Mya LOVES the water, and I really mean that. This child will go in water whatever chance she can get. Whether its a pool, dumping water on herself from the watering can, or even when I sit her next to the sink to wash her hands to eat, she'll grab a cup and pour water on her! She's a NUT!!!! It's always so fun to watch her in the water too, cause it's like there's nothing better!! Saturday we filled her baby pool and let her play in it.

Drinking the water as usual!
And now she's realized that she can climb on the fence to see the people walking by, or just to peer out and check out what's going on! Here she threw one of her toys over. I'm pretty sure she did it, JUST so she could climb up and see it!
I just LOVE that she's on her tippy toes here, she stands on her toes quite often, SO CUTE!
She sure can see now!!!

Now to play with one of her many mini watering cans.
Good idea Mya, water the pavement. Her green thumb isn't looking so promising so far. Although sometimes she will take my watering can and just place it on top of the plant by the door. Funny little lady she is!!!

After a while we decided that it'd be best to just head to Aunt Mary's and Uncle Joe's to get into their pool! She doesn't look happy, does she?

And she LOVES jumping (more like stepping) in to me! She's a NUT!!!

After a swim we headed to Raffertys. Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe joined us. We sat at one of the booths by the bar. It was a fun fun time! Little Miss Mya was LOVING drinking from my straw so we decided to get her a kids cup (*tear*). This was her FIRST time getting a kids cup with a top and straw from a restaurant and I gotta say, I was a little sad, happy but sad cause WOW, she is really growing SO FAST right before our eyes. She has grown into such a big, happy (most of the time, except when she has those wonderful meltdowns where she throws her back out), beautiful little toddler. OMG there I said it, she's a toddler, no longer a baby, but a toddler! :( As much as I enjoy every second of watching her grow and learn new things and watch her personality flourish, it's hard to understand that this time last year, she wasn't even crawling yet!!! Fast forward a year, and that little girl, is walking (well more like running), starting to say a few words (more to come on that after her 15 month check up update, which is a month late at the Dr. Promise, it's coming soon!), giving kisses and interacting SO much with us! I just LOVE it and am having the BEST TIME watching it all happen. Little Miss Mya, I love you more than you'll ever know and hope that you know that, even when you are a teenager and are cursing me out in your bedroom cause I won't let you go to that party!
Anyway, kinda went off a bit. Here we are at Rafferty's. Mya was playing peek-a-boo with the little boy who was sitting behind us!
When we got home, we started playing outside!!!
One of her favorite toys, my lens cover!!!

On her way to the rocks. Cause really, who needs toys when you live next to a load of rocks??

Look mommy, rocks!!!!


Can't get to me quick enough!!!!

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