Tuesday, July 6, 2010

swing bata

Thursday night is man night for Ry so it's always Mya and I hangin out. I was going to take her to Thomas Sweets and knowing how much my parents LOVE Thomas Sweets I called them to see if they wanted to join us. They were going to the Patriots game to see Casey. They asked if I wanted to go and after going back and forth I decided, why not? It was BEAUTIFUL out and it would be nice to be outside to enjoy the weather. So off we went to Mya first baseball game (well 3 innings at least). I had to snap these few pics before we left cause she had me CRACKING UP. She wanted to put this on so bad, so of course, I put it on her, and she was just being a nut!!!

Chuggin some water before we left.

And off we go!!!!

Wrong way crazy lady!
We walked over to the grassy area to let her run around a bit.
Than we saw Casey, Mya met Casey and he gave her a ball, it was so cute!!!! And she was LOVING that ball.

Playing catch. Until Mya threw it onto the field, WHOOPS!!!

Thinking she's actually drinking the Dr Pepper, although my dad thinks she did get a little of it.

Time to go. Patriots were up 1-0 when we left, unfortunately they lost. I'm sure if Mya stayed though, they would have won!

Wrong way Mya, she wasn't ready to go.

1 comment:

Kelly Osmond said...

Mya has the BEST clothes!!! She is one lucky girl. All of her little oufits are so cute. Grace is wearing the brown and pink dress you guys got her today. She looks so cute and got so many compliments at Yoga today. Thanks girl!