Thursday, May 2, 2013

Special person day

Mya's preschool had 'Special Person Day' this past Tuesday, April 30th.  Each student was able to bring in one 'Special' person to follow them around for the day.  When we got this pamphlet in her book bag, I was eager to ask her who she was going to take.  Here's how the conversation went.
Me - "Mya you're having a special person day at school.  You get to bring anyone in that you want.  It can be Mommy, Daddy, Titi, anyone.  Who would you like to bring?"
Mya - "My best friend, Maggie."
That was it, done!  She couldn't have answered quicker too.  It's so sweet how close they are.  Thanks for always helping us out too, Mags.  You really are at the top of her list and I love that!
Here are some of the pics that Mags sent and that I stole off of instagram.  Mary got this gem!
Mya is obsessed with swings.  Her teacher told me that when they go outside, this is the first place she runs to, everyday! 
 Ry and Ash got there early.  They were peeking in from outside of the fence, since all the kids were outside.  Mrs Gliese told them that they could go in and play too.  I think Ash was pretty excited she was able to come and play with her big sissy.
 On the slide.  She looks SO BIG to me here.
 Mya's turn.
 Mags had this on instagram.  lol!
Thanks again Mags, we love ya girl.  xoxo

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