Tuesday, May 21, 2013


This past Sunday we headed out to Build a Bear with Mags, Bril, Aunt Mary and Tony.  Maggie and Bril got Mya a gift card for her birthday and since she's been obsessed with Maggie's bear lately, we thought it was the perfect time to let her make her own. 
We're HERE!!!!!  First they get to pick their bear.  Ash walked in and loved the bunny.  After looking at them all, she went with that.  Mya loved the super colorful, every damn color of the rainbow one.  It was different but she loved it and how could we possibly say no?!
Time to get them stuffed.  They waited patiently for their turn and watched carefully.
 Mya went first. 
Loving it.
 Ashley's turn.  She put the heart in first.
 After their bears were stuffed, they took them for a bath.
 Then it was time to dress them.  Ash actually picked out her outfit all by herself.  She picked a pink jean skirt and a pink sequin tank top.  Mya picked a pair of pink jean shorts and a princess shirt.  She also got a leopard hello kitty pj cause she had the gift card.
 Showing her bunny, bubbles to Jabril.  Mya named her's Sonnie originally, then changed it to Rainbow Dash.  Apparently that names from my little pony she informed me.
 All done!
 Thanks Maggie and Bril!!!  LOVE YOU GUYS!

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