Thursday, May 2, 2013

April iphone pics

Summer is getting closer.  Warm days are upon us!  Oh May, how I love this month!!!!  But first, lets sum up April, another fun and exciting month.  So much going on, so many birthdays!
My little bean one morning, love waking up to this face.  
best friends
This cracks me up.  It's from Easter, Mya was taking Ash for a ride on the trike.
cuddling up
Ry tied up Maggie's flip flops.
Ry sent me this pic one day when I was at work.  I can't with these 2!
LiveFit progress.  I'm in Phase 3, which I started over last week after taking 2 weeks off.  This was from the beginning of April when I was in Phase 2 still.  Feeling good and seeing results.
Another text from Ry, taking a break while waiting for Ash to catch up on her bike.
This kid loves to do splits, my future cheerleader!
Mathing robes after bathtime.
Mimi and Ava came by one afternoon to drop off Easter goodies for the girls.  Uncle Jimmy happened to be over too, a mid-day party that I couldn't be a part of.  I was getting updates via instagram!  Thanks Jim!  Ash and Mimi.
2 cuties.
Tea party that I wish I was a part of!  Love this cousin love!
PJ's from Auntie Regs, Uncle John, Gia and Jack!  Mya was very excited to sleep in her tutu.  Ash wouldn't put it on.
Old McDonald date with Titi.
Talking to Ava on a Thursday night family dinner.
Olarra's one night and Liz did the girls hair.  SO CUTE!
I couldn't believe Ash let her do this to it, and left it in!
Ash and Thomas play so good together.
Mya and her man.
I got tickets to a Nets game through work.  What a fun night!  It was Ry, Frank, Pete, Jimmy and I.  We met in Jersey City and Jimmy's house and took the path into the city.  Then took about 100 subways before finding our way to BK.  We did it though, and to start the fun, we all got 2 drinks. 
The seats were good and it was a really good game.
Love him.
the guys
The next morning at church we met my parents there with the girls, who had slept at my parents the night before while we were at the game.  Ash didn't want anything to do with being inside.  So we spent alot of time outside.
After church, Mya had a birthday party, the first school friends party.  This is the only pic I have from it.  When we were leaving, Mya, Lia and Joey being silly.
Thomas sweets trip.
My 4 year old!
Rockin her new princess nightgown from Titi and Tio.
I couldn't help but snap this pic of her one morning before I left for work.  Ryan was in with Ash, Mya was knocked out in our bed (typical).  I just can't take that hiney!
National sibling day, I have the best brothers!
Cuddling up with Uncle Frankie.
Hugs for little Ava.
Cuddling with Uncle Pete now.
With my cutie pie niece.
JoJo's bday collage.
LOL, Ry sent this to me one morning!
My little ballerina.
Nona took Mya shopping as part of her birthday present.  Here she is, after ballet, all ready to go!
My mom sent me this pic from the dressing room.  I thought she was only going to buy her one dress, since she had already gotten her a few other things.  But of course, Mya talked her into 'needing' 2! I asked my mom how it was cause I don't usually take her shopping and let her try the clothes on.  She said it was SO MUCH FUN!  Mya had a blast.  She said they took about 6 dresses into the dressing room that Mya picked out all by herself, at the gap of course.  They got in there and my mom moved the seat out of the way so Mya could see the full length in the mirror.  She stripped down to her undies and started her little fashion show.  My mom said that as she got each one on, she'd do a little spin and tell Nona that she loved it!
Sneaking in to peek on my little ginger napping.
Went to pick up Mya from school one day, Ash screaming in, MYAAAAAA.
She loves to watch her big sissy (and probably wishes she was in there with her).
Mya and Lia racing on their bikes.
Daddy and his girls.
Mags took my phone and set my screen and lock menu to her.  Thanks Mags.  I changed the main screen but still have her as my lock screen, cause I love you!  Mya went to use my phone the other day and said, where's my best friend, Maggie?  She was upset I changed the pic back to her and Ash.  I showed her the lockscreen and she was happy again.  So there you have it Mags, Mya loves you!
Thanks for the personalized book Gigi and Peepa!!!!  She was super excited to hear a book all about her!
Ava's birthday collage!  Seriously that top right pic cracks me up EVERY SINGLE TIME!
After Granny's funeral at Tumulty's.  Everyone bought their kids.  Mya just wanted to hang with Mags and Jabril.
It was Ava's birthday!
Stricking a pose, as per usual.
Bril, make a funny face!  LOL
Snuggling daddy on the hammock.
Ash passed out in Mya's bed one morning, I can't.
She dressed herself for ice cream one night.  She's so fancy.
AHHHH, it's getting nice, to the tennis courts we go!  Ash is doing so good on the bike.  She still can't reach the petals but pushes with her feet.
Mya's new kicks from Shirley, LOVE EM!
Who needs a coloring book when you can color in daddy's tattoos.
finished product.
Her future is so bright.
upside down, so typical.
On her class farm trip.  It was so cold, she wasn't as bundled up as I wish she was.  But she had a fun time.
After the trip, we went back to the classroom and Mya was loving Bubbles the bunny. 
Ash and Lucas (Lia's brother) got to join in on snacktime and they were both very excited.
At the dr for Mya's 4 year check up.  Since Ash was under the weather at her 18 month check up, in January, I didn't give her the vaccines she needed then.  So, in for Mya's checkup and getting Ash's vaccines too.  1 trip, 4 shots, 1 finger prick, YIKES!
This was after her finger prick, a few minutes later actually.  She got her first lollipop.  The finger prick wasn't good.  Well, it wasn't bad, but ya know, she did cry.  However, once it was over, she was fine.  After the appoinement she told me the finger prick hurt more then the 2 needles in her arm.  Mya is now 40 lbs (75-90%) and 40 1/4" (50-75%).
Dr Booker, who I freaking LOVE, was asking her all of the questions.  Here's how a part of the appointment went.
Dr Booker to Mya - "What's your favorite food?"
Mya - "ummmm, pineapple"
Dr Booker - "that's a new one.  Do you like veggies?"
Mya - "yea"
Dr Booker - "What's your favorite veggie?"
Mya - "beans"
Proud mommy for feeding these girls healthy things.  Yes, they get sweets too, but you better bet your a$$ they eat their daily serving of fruits and veggies! 
Ash trying to escape.
After the needles, we took the girls to Thomas Sweets (are you surprised?).  They had this flavor, apple pie, that was AMAZING!  Ry got it and put caramel on top, I was good and only had 2 spoons of it, SO SO GOOD! 
A nice pic of mom and dad that I found on facebook from the Mob.
 A Wednesday night at Nunu and PopPops, playing at the desk.
 It was such a beautiful day out, we played outside too.  This one looks like she's up to no good!
 Making the girls birthday banner.  Thanks for letting me borrow your circut, Regs!
 That silouette!
This past Sunday we headed to Staten Island to my Uncle's church for a children's mass.  I really wish he was at a church around here cause he does such a good service.  It was also so nice to be in a church with so many families and young children.  It reminds me of when I was growing up and how St Peter's used to be.  Ash all ready to go. 
 Mya too!
 After church everyone came back to our place.  It was so nice out and we were all ready to grill up some burgers!  Uncle Joe sportin a Donato Boatworks shirt.
 Love these 2.
 Shopping at Michaels with her gift card, thanks Camille!!! 
 And hard at work on her new purchases!
 LOL!  Acting like sharks after tubby time one night.
Another FUN FUN month!  It just keeps getting better.  Happy May!!!!

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