Monday, May 20, 2013

I'm officially 'in' my 30's

Last Friday was my birthday, WHOOHOOO!!!  Even though i'm getting older, I'm still like a little kid when it comes to my birthday.  I get super excited and LOVE it!  Plus, when you're as happy and blessed as me, there is nothing to be sad about.  I've got an amazing family and 2 beautiful little ladies that make each day an adventure. 
To celebrate my birthday, Ry invited a little bit of family over for cake.....and jello-shots!  That was a last minute add, lol!  I took a half day and got home.  Ash was still napping and he goes, since everyones coming over tonight, want some jello shots?  Um, sure!  SWEET!
Before everyone came over and when Ash woke up from her nap, we headed to the park to enjoy the little girls and the gorgeous weather.  We're HEREEEEEE!!!!!
 The girls seriously LOVE the swings.  Ryan is the master pusher too cause I don't push them high enough, just get all nervous.  So they always say "we want DADDY to push us, NOT mommy."  lol. 
 Loving life!
 This is about the highest i'd go, and still be scared.  LOL!  Look at her smile!
 curly q's Bea.
 Went down the slide 100000 times.
 This one too.  LOVE her smile. 
My little monkey.
Everyones over, time for jello shots!!!!!  The newest shot girl....(YIKES!)
Through all these years there are so few pics of us together.  We gotta change that this summer cuz.  LOVE THIS GIRL!
Best friends.
Ava comes over and usually immediately grabs a baby doll, it's so cute!
MMMMM, the amazing cake made by non other than Frank!  Mint chip, mixed with oreos and homemade cinnamon ice cream, SLAMMIN!  THANKS BRO!
The best pic of us, I'm mid smile and Ash isn't quite smiling, but I love it anyway. 
I let the girls blow the candles out.
All the kiddies and me.  I'm in HEAVEN!
These eyes (and curls) get me EVERYTIME!
Tony and Ash have such a strong relationship.  She loves him! 
And he cracks up JoJo too!
The adorable family.
These 2!
Can you see the love??!!
Airplane ride!!!  SO SWEET!!!!
Thank you to everyone who sent me texts, messages, called, facebooked me (yup I said it) and shared my special day with me.  I love you all so much and can't believe I'm freaking 31.  Where does the time go? 

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