Tuesday, June 1, 2010

the start to a fun filled weekend

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and remembered all the soldiers, past and present who have served our country and fought for our freedom. THANK YOU!
We had a busy busy weekend, 3 BBQ's, dinner and the park!!!! We started it off on Friday after work. My summer hours started last week, I get out at 12:30 every Friday for the summer!!! It really makes the weekend feel so much longer getting that afternoon with Mya. When Ry got home from work we thought it would be fun to bring Mya to the park since it was so nice out. Plus, our neighbor has this slide in the back and she LOVES it! We knew she'd LOVE the bigger slides at the park too!
Gettin ready to hit up the slide with Daddy.


Unfortunately most of these pics came out blurry! But you get the idea, she was LOVING it!!!!

We put her through the tunnel.

And she wanted to surf!

And because this is what this child does, she tries to climb UP the slide. TOO MUCH!!!!
We met our good friends, Regan and John, out for dinner on Friday night. She's 33 weeks now and ALL belly, she looks SO GOOD!!!!! I even got to feel the baby kick when we were there, it was so sweet!!!!
And jeez, I am towering over Regan, we're really the same height, I just had some gigantic heels on!!!

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