Monday, June 21, 2010

Fun in the sun!!

Friday night, Mya and I had the pleasure of going down to Midway and staying at her godmothers mom's house for the night with them! This was her first trip to the beach to sleep over and actually get to play on the beach, the other times it was too cold. Since this child is so NON STOP I knew it'd be an interesting adventure and that it was! When we go there on Friday, we set her pool up in the back and let her play in it. She loves the water, anyway she can get it.

In and out, in and out, in and out!

Every time, without fail, she drinks the water.

Whoops, going too fast and she fell out! Good thing it was just sand. Nice mom of me to be snapping a pic rather than helping my poor child up!

Cleaning off from all that sandy mess.

I figured, why not just take the damn romper off, would be much cleaner. And what does she do, sucks the water from it, like she does to her wash clothes in the tubby.

Gino and Lyndsey (Rachel's brother and sister-in-law) live down the shore, so they came by to visit. It was so nice to see them. Gino is a bit of a clean freak so he was cringing at the sight of Mya in all this sand. He decided to rinse out the pool to get rid of all the sand. Mya thought it was even more fun than the pool to run into the hose water!!!!

Than she lost her diaper, damn thing was falling apart at this point!

booty shot!!
Once she saw us eating, forget it, she wanted some! So she sat right on Lyndsey's lap and enjoyed a few sun chips, after she stuck some down her shirt!!!

DINNER TIME!!!!!! Messy girl, Gino was ready to spray her down to make her all clean!!!! Me, well I was just sitting there cracking up!!!!

Saturday morning, Mya woke up at 5:45, JOY!!!! So, to keep it a little quiet in the house, I decided to take her down to see the ocean since it was already light out. OMG did she love it!!! We got to the path and started walking down, she was looking at the sand and wanting SO bad to play in it but I kept saying no no no, keep going, you're about to see the BIGGEST SAND BOX of your life!! The second she saw the ocean, she let out this huge AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! It was so cute, she was SOOOOO excited to get down there!!! So, off we went!!!!!
lets go mommy!

Playing in the sand, surprisingly she didn't stick ANY in her mouth, I guess she's past that stage, THANK GOD!

It was such a beautiful morning, the beach was empty and the sun was shining.

Finally at the water!

This was HYSTERICAL, she saw a seagull and just wanted to chase it. She was the same way later on when we were on the beach too!
There he is!

RUNNING after him.

Smart bird flew off, she was watching him fly away.
Than she started throwing shells in the ocean. All the pretty ones I'd show her and say, wanna bring this one home to daddy. She'd take it, walk to the water and toss it in, guess not!

Nice throw!

Wanting to show daddy that we're thinking of him!
On the walk back we stopped to blow some bubbles. She's funny, tries to blow the bubbles, but just sticks the wand into her mouth, YUCK!!!

Time to put my shoes on mommy.

Like this right?
Oh forget it, I'll just hold them!
Playing with all her clippies.
Our beach beauty!!!
Rachel and Mrs I taking her to the water.


My beautiful little girl and I.

Playing on the shore line, loving every second of this!!!

OMG, this was hysterical. Aunt Mary got Mya this beach chair. She looks like such a grown up on it!



Tired of playing with her toys, onto the food.

Having auntie open the graham crackers for her!

I finally filled this thing up with water and she was sticking her face in it, it was SO funny!!!!

After she stuck her face in it a few times, I go, Mya get into the bucket.

SOOOO, in she went!!

Trying to fit the mill in with her.

Nope, this thing doesn't fit.

Such a juicy heiney!!!!!

i love this girl.

She saw one of the planes flying by.

Waving to the plane now.

The weather was absolutely PERFECT!!!! It was breezy (so breezy we couldn't even set up the umbrella) and not too hot. Mya and I had such a great time. I think she loves the beach just as much as her mommy does, THANK GOD, cause I don't know what i'd do if she didn't like it!!! Now we just gotta get Ryan to like it a little more so we can take more trips down!!!!
Thanks Rachel and Mrs I for a great little get away!!! xoxo

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