Friday, April 30, 2010

Mya and Mommy nights

Every Thursday night, Ryan hits up good ole Stuff Yer Face in New Brunswick for man night. It's great for him to get out with the guys every week and it's great for Mya and mama time! We ALWAYS have fun no matter what we do and now that it's getting nice out, it's getting even better. Last night we went outside and hung with Aris, than we came into eat. After dinner Mya was all over the place. Here's a few little snapshots of what we did.
We started by staring outside, we got a new full window storm door that Mya and Lola both LOVE!

Trying to escape.

Chewing our shoes.

so tasty!
Even better is walking around with shoes in our mouth! JOY!

Look at me mommy!

Tearing our dirty pj's out of the diaper bag from the previous night. Walking around with them.

Now she wants the dog leashes.

Think she can reach????
just a little farther.


WHOOOHOOOOO, she loves walking around with the leashes and her invisible dogs, maybe I should attach Rainbow and Pooks to them (her 2 stuffed animals, Mya adopted Rainbow from Mags, or should I say, stole her????)
Getting pissed when Lola won't let her brush her, I wouldn't either, she's not very gentle.

It's Mardi Gras on Almond! Although we don't show the goods to get the beads, Mya would have been in BIG TROUBLE with daddy considering all the beads she got!

Keep em comin!

Trying to rip her clippy out.

And we'll finish it off by reading some of her birthday cards. Yes, we have SO MUCH FUN!!!!!

1 comment:

Shannon Dew said...

AWE I just love her chubby legs and feet! SO cute!