Friday, April 2, 2010

Little miss day care drop out

Yes Mary is still watching Mya, however Ry and I wanted to establish a back-up in case there was ever a time that Mary needed time off and we couldn't take off from work. So we decided to try Child Time, our old neighbors, Adrienne and Nick's, old stomping grounds. We thought, this will be a cinch, Mya LOVES being around other kids. I decided to try today as a little test run since I got out of work early for Good Friday. I got her all ready this morning, fed her breakfast, and off we went. We get there and I set her down with all the little girls (there were 4 other little girls in the room she was in) she walked right over and began to play. I talked with the one teacher (Lori, it was Joann) and Mya didn't even look back at me, nothing. I felt good, sad, but good. I walked out, cried the entire way to work thinking, she's growing up, she's independent (I know that's a great thing, nothing to be sad about). I get to work, begin my day and decided to call up around 10 to see how she is. Joann picks up and here is how the convo went:
ME - Hey Joann, this is Liz, Mya's mom, how is she?
JOANN - Well, not so happy.
ME - (fighting back tears) Is everything ok, maybe she's tired? When did she start crying?
JOANN - I tried giving her graham crackers, a bottle, cheerios. Tried putting her in the crib, she wanted nothing to do with it. She started crying right when she realized you weren't here.
ME - (now crying) I'm coming to get her, see you in a few.
JOANN - Are you ok?
ME - I'll be ok, see you soon.
As I pull up, Joann opens the door for me, with Mya in her arms, still crying. My heart was breaking. I felt so bad for the poor thing, I take her and she's still trying to catch her breath. They were so nice there and felt bad that she was so sad. When we left, I looked at Mya and said, I promise I'll never do this to you again. I'll take the days from work and figure whatever out that I can. Maybe in a few months we'll try again (hmmmm?), but I just feel so bad still. I know that alot of kids do this and they're used to it after a few days, but I'm just a sucker and feel too bad. Maybe if we began at a younger age, but I can't.
Here is how the day started. I thought she'd be fine, she was walking up to the door and all.
Immediatly went over to the little girl and toys to play.

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