Saturday, April 17, 2010

one year stats

We had Mya's one year check up Saturday morning. We went to a new dr, after everything that we went through from Jan-March with her being sick, being in and out of Mid Jersey Pediatrics, dealing with some attitudes and not feeling 100% confident of sending Mya there I decided we needed to try a new Dr. We went to Somerset Peds and let me just tell you, we'll be back Dr Sung, WE'LL BE BACK!!!! We did LOVE Dr Sung at Mid Jersey, it was a few other Dr's that I won't name (ah-hem Dr Simon, HATED YOU) that ticked me off (not to mention a few of the nurses that have answered the phone from time to time). Anyway, we go to Somerset Peds this morning, all excited for her appointment and me with my list of questions for the Dr. We get in, the FIRST appointment of the day, we're early and I think GREAT, we'll have tons of time with the Dr to go over Mya's history and all. When we walk in I noticed how clean it was, like SPOTLESS! YESSS! We get in to see the Dr and I don't think I've ever felt so rushed in my life. The Dr was very nice, don't get me wrong, but my god, I felt bad asking her all these questions, I actually stopped asking. Maybe it's also cause she didn't have all the answers, WHAT you might be thinking, she didn't have answers, YUP! And these were vaccine questions!!!! She literally gave me a website to look at, like are you kidding me woman?? How do you make all this money if you can't even answer my questions??? You send me to a website?? I left in tears, I want to find a Dr that I feel 100% comfortable with, that I trust and that I know is going to steer me in the right direction. I felt that with Dr Sung, she has even come out to the waiting room to get Mya for appointments before (something that the nurses always do). She even told us that Mya was her cutest and favorite patient, now maybe this is cause we were these once a week in Jan and Feb, BUT STILL!!!!! I felt like a number at Somerset Peds, like all they cared about was the check at the end of the day. So, here we come Dr Sung, we'll be back for her 15 month appointment! We'll just stick with Dr Sung, and REFUSE Dr Simon at all expenses!
See, even Mya wasn't a fan of the new Dr.

So anyway, here are our little munchkins 1 year stats:
Height - 30 inches - 75%
Weight - 23.3 lbs - 80% (does this surprise you?)
Head Circumference - 18.75 inches (97%, I TOLD YOU HER HEAD WAS BIG!!!! Big to fit that big brain she's got!)

She's been walking all over, well running is more like it. She started walking at 10 months. Took her first steps a few days shy of her actual 10 month mark.
She LOVES climbing stairs. She walks over to the stairs and tries to JET up them, maybe it's also cause I say, I'M GONNA GET YOU and she cracks up and races up!
She hasn't figured out how to get down stairs, you HAVE to be by her when she's at the top (if there isn't a gate there) cause I think that she thinks she'll fly down them. She'll just step like it's flat ground. Not holding onto anything! WACKO!
She says the normal, mama, dada, baba, hot, Lola, hi (sounds more like HAAAAA) and also says cat. Whenever we say quiet Lola, she makes this silly noise, sounds more like da but I think it's her way of saying quiet, haha. When we get to Mary's in the morning, Mary always says to Mya, HI ROXY (Roxy is their dog)! And Mya follows with a HAAAAAA RRAAA (god I can't even make out how she tries to say Roxy or if that even is Roxy at all, but it's so damn cute!).
She waves hello and goodbye, claps her hands, gives high fives and gives kisses too! The kisses are MY favorite!!!! She'll kiss EVERYONE of her stuffed animals, toys, but when it comes to people, not so much. So when you do get a kiss, savor it! You might not get another one for a few days, weeks, who knows!
Still loves playing peek-a-boo too! and the infamous, 'How big is Mya, SOOOO BIG!!!!!'
She loves to point to things that she wants. She'll point, I'll get whatever she points to, than she'll point to something else to get. It's a NEVER ENDING game we play!
We play outside alot after Ry and I get home from work and she loves to walk directly to the rocks and dirt. She sticks her hands right into the dirt, gets all under her nails (just a mess) but it's funny as hell. And she'll walk up the hill to get to all the rocks and try to carry as many as she can.
She's been sleeping at 10 hour clips for about a month now, maybe less (down from 8-6ish, sometimes even 7). There definitely are a few nights though that she'll still wake up around 4 for a feeding. I need to start ignoring her and making her go back to sleep cause OBVIOUSLY she can make it without that feeding.
I'm doing the weaning thing with nursing her. She is down to just at bedtime and if she wakes up in the night. I'm thinking it'll be easier when we introduce the whole milk! Keep your fingers crossed for us!
She's got 5 teeth now, working on her 6th! 3 top (a 4th coming in) and 2 bottom.
She absolutely LOVES the tubby and makes a complete mess when she's in it. Splashing all around the entire time, it's hysterical!!!!
She LOVES goldfish, I'm talking will stop everything she's doing and walk over to you if she sees you eating some.
She loves baby dolls and walks around holding them and pats their backs too (like she's burping them), it's SO cute!!!
Just last week I gave her a pacifier to see if she'd take it again and she did. Just kinda during the day, walking around. I think it was helping when her teeth were coming in. Go ahead and say what you want, I know I know it's a BAD habit, but $hit, if it makes her happy and helps subside some pain, she's getting it! Plus, I think maybe it'll help with the whole weaning thing too. It's not like she's attached by any means, but it's funny to see her walking around with a nuk in her mouth when for SO long she wanted NOTHING to do with them.
OH YEA, and how can I forget her LOVE of necklaces. A true accessory queen! We got a TON of pink mardi gras type beads for her birthday party and have them in a pink vase. She LOVES taking them out and puts them around her neck all the time. Than will just continue on with her day. Kinda like her way of completing her outfit, it's hysterical!! And it's never just 1 necklace, AT LEAST 2!!! My little fashionista, LOVE IT!!!
I'm sure there's more that I'm missing, but this is all I can think of now!

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