Friday, April 9, 2010

Here fishy fishy fishy

We took the birthday girl to Jenkinsons aquarium during the day! She's got a fish tank in her room (from Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe) and she loves watching her fishies. We knew this would be SO fun! We got there, packed her into the stroller and went in. The second we get in with her, we realized that the stroller was a terrible idea. She was trying to figure out a way to get out and roam around. So Ry took it back to the car and than we started the fun!

LOVING the first tank.

However, we got to the second tank where the fish are MUCH bigger and she was not a fan. I tried to stand her on the ledge and she held onto me for dear life. But really, those fish were HUGE!

Back to the small fish, she LOVED them!

The frogs were cool.
Mya thought so too and waved hello.

Mya's too busy looking at the fish to smile for the cam. Well at least she's having fun!
Crazy daddy

This pic is terrible of the penguins. She loved the penguins, was waving like crazy at them.
Here she is waving to the penguins!

Waving yet again at the fish.

Onto the seals, her absolute favorite! She would have stood by that tank all day. It was SO cute!! I wish we'd have been there for their feeding cause I think she really would have gone crazy! We'll have to take her back again for that.

I mean really, can you stand that chubbers. Who has knee rolls?? Our little rollie pollie does, and we LOVE it!

She was standing by this tank for like 15 minutes, let me just tell you that there were NO animals in it. NONE. I guess since it was her level she loved it so much. Whatever makes her happy, right?

Hello cutie!

UM, what the hell is going on in this tank?? Looks like the aquarium may need more tanks for the frogs in a few months.

I had to get a family shot, so I put my trusty timer on and we got it! If only Mya would look at the camera instead of the animals!

After the aquarium Ry wanted to win her something since the last time we were down the shore he didn't. Well, that lasted about 2 minutes and $5. He just kept saying this $hit is SO rigged.

Look of determination.

He even tried at the bigger ones, no luck.

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