Monday, April 26, 2010

and so we meet!!

Yesterday we finally got down to meet our good friends Kelly and Tony's, baby girl Grace. OMG, she is an absolute beauty! She's so tiny, has a head full of hair and big blue eyes (just like her mama)! I was pretty much a Gracie hog the entire time we were there. Can you blame me though, look at this little love bug!

Trying to get a family shot is not the easiest thing in the world. Especially when there's a pup involved!!! Here are a few of the good and funny outtakes!

Tex sees something outside.

I think a bark was coming on.

And he's OUT!
Gracie and her Daddy

OMG those toes!!! I could gobble them up!

so sweet

One of my favorites!! Let me just tell you how hard it is to get a good shot of a baby without using the flash. I need to work on my picture taking and the settings that are available.

1 comment:

Kelly Osmond said...

Loved seeing you guys!