Friday, September 20, 2013

Mya's first day of soccer

The fall season is here.  Mya did ballet last year.  When I asked her if she wanted to do ballet this year she said no, I want to do soccer.  A few days later she said, I want to do soccer, big girl ballet and gymnastics.  Being that I'm a working mom, we can really only do 1 at a time.  SO, soccer it was!  We also got to sign up with her friend, Maddie.  So she was super excited to have a buddy to play with. 
Now, since this is her first year and the kids are 4 yrs old, the first 7 sessions are practices and the last 2 are games.  She was super excited for the first session!  Ash had to jump in too.
But you know I had to get a solo pic of my little athlete!  Could she be any cuter???!!!!
At the field with her nippers shirt on, that's her team name.
Yes, a little photo shoot...
Maddie and Mya practicing before the actual practice begins.
Kick it girl!
A little video, LOVE these girls.
Listening to Coach Tony go over a few things.  Then, since it is more of a practice and there are about 40 kids there, he did a drill and had the kids go back to their parents to practice.  Seriously, all they wanted to do was to kick the ball, they didn't want to position their point foot then kick.  LOL!  They did do some of the drills but seriously had Jenny and I dying!
Practicing one of the drills he just taught.
Another drill, I just couldn't resist a pic, lol!
Maddie letting her little sissy, Sky kick the ball.  So sweet.
Ash had fun jumping over the cones.
Mya sitting front and center at the end of practice.
When he was done, she stood up and asked him, "Can we go home now?"  LOL!!
Walking back to the car and Mya was making Sky laugh.  Then was holding her hand as Maddie was pushing the stroller, it was so stinkin cute.
So much fun and so proud of these 2 littles.  Can't wait to see how they do next week. 

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