Monday, September 9, 2013

Emerald Isle - part 1

So, we went to sleep with the girls around 8 Saturday night.  I had no problems falling asleep, typical.  I woke up at 2am, before my alarm even went off and off we left by 2:30am for NC!  I was WIRED on excitement, but we missed the coffee exit and that soon faded.  Luckily Ry found coffee soon after and I was golden.  Not that he let me drive or anything. 
The girls slept pretty much the entire time.  When they woke up, the first thing Mya asked was, "are we in North Carolina?"
The sunrise from our drive.
The bridge getting into EI.
We got onto the island around 8:30 and found a little place to get some breakfast.  Then we headed to check out the house.  We weren't able to check in till 3 so we just wanted to drive by, then we'd find something to do.  The other people were packing up, yes, I realize I look like a total stalker.
We drove down the island and found this little go-cart, mini golf place.  Since we had nothing but time, we decided to go in and have some fun! 
Mya wanted to drive with daddy and was super excited.  It was really cute cause, even though they couldn't drive or do anything like that, they had steering wheels for them, so they thought they did.
Ash rode with me.
Off we went, but you know I made Ry stop so I could snap their pic!
Not even one lap in, Ash was scared.  She clinged onto my arm and kept saying, I wanna go home mommy.  I got 2 laps in, then pulled off and it was just the bean and Ry on the track.  Ash and I watched from the side.
Mya was having a blast!!!
Pulling in.
Next up, put put golf.  This is the first time we attempted this with the girls.  We thought Mya was probably at a good age.  We knew Ash wouldn't stay focused but it was nice out and we had no other plans, so we gave it a shot.  We got a train ride to the top of the course.  The girls loved that part!
With my littlest.
First hole, showing Ash how to stand and hold the club. 
Ry helped Mya.
2nd hole and Ry was showing Mya again, cause she wasn't holding it correctly.
There ya go!
So, that lasted about 10 minutes before both weren't interested anymore.  Ry and I literally went so fast, meanwhile, I was keeping score and totally fudging the numbers so I could win.  At one point, I hit the ball, it popped up and it went into this little stream.  I was trying to save it, then Ry was trying to save it with his club in the water, pushing it back towards me, all while completely splashing me with the water.  I nearly pissed my pants from laughing so hard.  Needless to say, the ball was lost to the pond. 
Next up, beach time! 
My phone died and I have no more pics from here.  Next up, the rest of the crew arrives and the partying begins!!!! 

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