Monday, September 16, 2013

Emerald Isle - Part 3

The weather was seriously just perfect, ALL WEEK LONG!  Another day on the beautiful beach.  Pete bought this net to catch fish.  We declared Joe as "Jesus" cause he literally would catch about 15 at a time!
Ava was ready for them to be put into the bucket.
Tony got a fish!!!!!
Ry and Ash were playing football in the ocean.
So so cute.

LOVE these 2
Just love him to pieces.
Ash, in her own little happy place.
So, this little guy was dead.  BUT, right after he was found, a live one came running behind it....FREAKED.ME.OUT!
Time for Tio to fly his kite on the beach.  It was a little breezy this night, perfect!
Tio let the girls help out.
I mean, this pic would have been cute if we weren't photo bombed.
And she's off....
Nice light, loser!
Another beautiful night on the beach.
Mya was having fun, writing names on the beach...
who's next??
Of course, her BFF!
Sweet little Ava.
Tio let the girls have a chance with the kite too.   It almost carried Ash away it looks like!
LOVE you girls so much....
The sky was so pretty.
This is how we get Ash to smile for pics.
Nona and her youngest grand child.
Dew and his side kick.
Ava's turn.
Then the guys got HYSTERICAL! 
Mya joined in.
Ash was wondering WTF was going on.
The sky was AMAZING!  Ry got this great pic of my mama and me.  LOVE YOU MAMA!
We could have hung out on the beach all night long.
With my lovey.
ANDDDDDDD, there's Ash.
photo bombed
But got this gem.
such a strong bond, love you 2.
Pete and Shell
Back to the house to dunk our feet in the pool....then off to bed....
Breakfast time.
Dewey had a rough one, the previous night.  Tanqueray and tonic's did him in!  I wish I was up for it.  He was sleepy the next day.
Meanwhile, Mya became a beautiful mermaid....
Ash, "I wanna be a mermaid too, Daddy!"
And there you have it!
Mya had me dying with her bikini's.  I mix and match my suits all the time.  Mags does too.  So Mya started doing the same.  Cutie!
Ry made a turtle.  That Ash quickly ruined.
Cool shot!
Tan and tanner....Yes Ryan is tan for Ryan.
Another day where Tio caught TONS of fish for the girls.
Getting those fishies into the buckets.  They'd go in and literally jump right out.  And no, Mya didn't really touch them.  She would go to and jump back and scream!  She must get that from me, although I could pick them up now!  She did, however, pick up this little baby one.  After the poor thing was dead, from her taking it in and out of the bucket of water.  She came over to me and asked me if we could take him home.  She named him yehe (no clue where that came from).
And little Miss Ava, had NO FEAR of these fish.  She literally picked them up and walked around with them in her hands.  No big deal at all!
She had us rollin.
Dropped him, but picked him right back up!
Nap time with Uncle Frankie (yea right, she didn't fall asleep).
Instead, she made Mags some soup, lol.
Ry snuck up and was about to put a fish on Maggie's back!!!! LOL!
Sorry Mags.
Bought the stroller to the beach and this little snap took a nap for me.  YAY!!!
Mya changed and played some more.
Just couldn't be more relaxing.
The whole week she was singing, "Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the MO-ON. The little dog laughed to see such sport, and the dish ran away with the SPPOOOOOONNNN!"  HYSTERICAL!
These guys were wind surfing, it was awesome.
So cool
Making drip castles.
She quickly became a pro!
Time to get her hair done.  I also realize that we must have gone home cause there is another bathing suit change!  This kid!
These 2 crack me up.

Want some?
Ava's face!!
Loving the water.
And once again, posing for mama.
Pete bombed that pic!
Ava got good at filling the buckets with sand.
And just looking so stinkin cute.
The more you carry, the less trips you make....
Night time walks on the beach....
balance beam.
my heart
Back at the pool....
Ash was totally flirting it up with Johnny Mack.  Pete's best friend growing up (like another brother to me).  He's still in the marines, stationed in Camp Lejeune, so he came over every night to hang.  It was great seeing him to so much.  She stuck her tongue out....
Had me dying, throwing her head back.
Cuddles on the couch, watching a cartoon.
another night of spoons...
...Mya played too, that was interesting.  And lasted one game I think.
Story time with Nona
Nice face
Mya had John read her a book too. 
 Another day in paradise!  The life I tell ya!
So calm, low tide is the best.
The set up.
The fishing has begun.
This cracks me up.
Chillin with Dew.
Time to dig the holes.
While Ash plays with Dew.
Keep on digging girl!
This is where I always wish to be....
She's off!
Let's go boogie board....
Surfs up bruh...
Yea right, there's no way I could get a pic of both of them looking, smiling (no fake smiles) and acting normal.
So sweet....
Playing in the sand....this doesn't get old, EVER!
Mya got some pics of Ry and I too.  She is quite the boss, NOW KISS!  HAHAHAHA!
She's not so bad.
Then the girls just hung by the pool.
They may have stolen all of Maggie's 'woooo-who's'
Catching some rays.
love you....
seriously though?
The beach didn't last long cause there were mad bugs.  So we headed back to the pool.
I'm gonna get you Mags....come here....
But Mags got her back for sure!
Tony got some cute pics of Ash in the pool with Ry and I, she was loving it and was cracking up!
Going to get daddy....
Where'd he go?
smooches for daddy too!
Right back to mommy though....
CHEESE!!!!  This ones not so bad.  Ash is constantly playing with her belly b.  Cracks me up.
What a fun more post, then back to regular ole life.  Why does vaca go so fast?

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