Monday, September 16, 2013

August iphone pics...

August is over which means Fall is pretty much here.  BOOOO to no more summer, however, Fall weather is my favorite.  Sweaters at night, windows open and
So here are the August phone pics.  Lots are from Mary and the Olarras this month.  They had alot of park days....
 These 2 kill me.
 Mya did my makeup, don't sweat it.
 I've been into IPA's a little.  I feel like every once in a while, I'll be into beers for like a month, then hate them. 
 A trip to Nordstrom...
 Ry was checking some stuff out so the girls and I were wandering around.
 DYING!  I wish I had a video of her saying WOWWWWWW when she saw it and asked to put it on.
 my girls
 Purple day!
 Why can't I get a good one of the both of them?
 Mary posted this of Mya working on Ash's bike.
 Ash screaming, I FOUND IT!  LOL!
 I will keep sippin my java!
 We hit up Highland Park's night out.  The Dupree's were going cause Will's race car was being displayed.  Mya and Ky giving eachother love.
 Ky sitting in her daddy's car. 
 LOVE these kiddies.
 They got dum dum's.
 Ash reading the paper one morning at TiTi's.
 My beanie looking so old to me.
 LOL, Ash set up at the beach inside TiTi's.
 One day at the library with TiTi and Mya was on the computer... Ash was building a castle.
 Ash feeding her bubbie some mustard. 
 Puzzle time at Nona and Dewey's.
 Ava riding the horsey.
 Mya ready to go, caboodle and all.
 A leg press personal record, 2 45 lb plates/side.
 Just a little dance party!
A trip to Target with Titi, they got treats! They seriously crack me up in the fridge aisles.  Since it's a little cold, Ash goes, COLD COLD, and Mya immediately puts her arms around her to get her warm, MELTS.MY.HEART!
 Smooches to Mya as she naps at Titi's.
 Peach crisp at my moms that I didn't indulge in, GO ME!
 My little sparkler!
Playing on the ipad together one morning.
Naps with Tony. 
 Had a playdate at Mya's friend, Lia's house. 
 Will be a scary day when these girls get their licenses!
 Playing on their swingset.
One morning before Mary's I stopped at B B Big to pick something up.  This place is about 2 blocks from Mary's, the girls are like celebrities here!  We walk in and they get greeted by first names!

One night at my parents, WILD GIRLS!
 Tattoo's for Mags, Mya's new favorite thing to do. 
 Another month bites the dust....onto September and cooler days.  LOVE this time of the year.

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