Monday, September 16, 2013

Emerald Isle - Part 4

I seriously took 1300 pics on vacation.  I have no control!  But I'm glad I did cause I captured some moments that we'll remember forever.....
Like this gem!
And this one too, lol!!!
I think this was our last night on the beach, Friday night...
Brothers sportin some sick facial hair.
They look more like sisters here.
Mom and dad.....
Mya was taking that pic!!!
A group shot, we had to!!!!
Ava and her god father.
If Mya's smile wasn't as fake as they come, this would have been perfect!
cousins...a few from this

Who knew my mama had a fro?!!!!
I needed a good pic with my pops, love ya dew.
I wish lived here....
She's on top of the world...
...watching everyone else...
LOL Tony!
Ava bought Bubbles down for Ash.
The grands with their grand babies.
Where's Rainbow???
2013, round 2!
Playing together.
My beanie
strolling down the beach with Titi
They started running towards eachother (DAMN ME FOR NOT CATCHING THIS ON VIDEO) and gave eachtother the most gigantic hugs.  MELTED MY HEART!  Of course my camera kept flashing 'busy' GRRR!
I just couldn't love these 2 girls more.  They literally make each day worth living.
Sissy love
reading sweet! 
 LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic!
Last day, Tio must have caught 4 fish! 
Or did Mya catch it???
Ash came to see too.
Playing in the water.

One more sand pool.
One more chat in the surf....
Tony catching fish with his bare hands....
anddddd Frank caught a fish too...
Ava was planning her attack!
Ry went out to give it a shot next.
Time to net!
LOL, I love how she is just laying in between Mary and Joe. 
shell stache....

oooooo, the water!
One last wave to catch....
We had an amazing time, yet again.  The weather couldn't have been more perfect.  The girls had a blast.  It's crazy to think how different they were this year from last year.  So many changes.  So many fun memories we'll always have.  Getting back home and having Mya say to me (more than once), "mommy, I wish you could stay home with me everyday." God, that killed me, but I'm so grateful to spend an entire week with her, and my family.  This is what life is all about.  Spending time with your family, your friends and making memories for your children to always carry with them.  If there is one thing (ok maybe one of the many) I want them to remember of their youth, it's the fun times, the beach, the smiles, the laughs.  I love you girls and I loved our vacation.  Until next year.....

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