Wednesday, December 7, 2011

sittin with Santa...

Last Sunday we went down to Princeton to meet Mimi and Poppy, Jimmy, Jen and Michael for dinner to celebrate Ryan and Michael's birthday. Since we were going to be right next to Market Fair mall we decided to bring the girls a little early so we could sit on Santa's lap. Figured get it done early and not have to wait on a long a$$ line! Well we were right, there was NO line. I've been asking Mya if she wants to sit on Santa's lap a while now and every time she says, Yea mommy, now! So I was thinking this would probably go well. We got there and I said, Mya you have to tell Santa what you want for Christmas, you gotta show Ashley that Santa's so nice and brings you lots of toys. So trying to talk her up! We get up to him and I say, ok Mya lets go sit on his lap. She let me walk right up and I propped Ashley on one leg and Mya on the other. QUICK I told the camera lady, get a shot! She shook a bell and Ashley looked and smiled, Mya gave a fake smile, but NO TEARS!! SCORE!! Before I took Mya from his lap I said, now tell Santa what you want. She looks up at him and says, "gum and hello kitty!" lol, I was dying! Here's the pic.

Got a pic with my bean before heading to din din.

And daddy got a pic with ginger.

They have these huge horses outside PF Changs and I got these cute pics of Mya. She was loving these horses. The sky looks so pretty too.

super cheesy face.

Of course I didn't get any pics during dinner, UGH.

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