Friday, December 30, 2011

Merry Christmas

Mya's 3rd and Ashley's 1st Christmas and what a Christmas it was! Ry and I were up till 1 on Christmas Eve cause we didn't wrap any presents. Ry also put together the kitchen he got her for Christmas, which took nearly 3 hours (NOTHING was assembled, not even the hardware on the cabinets!). So lots of wine and chatting and we got it done!
Here we are Christmas morning before I let the girls downstairs. I didn't get anything else ready, I was searching for the video tapes for the camcorder and couldn't find them ANYWHERE! So I finally decided to just tape with the flip later finding out that NOTHING taped!!!! UGHHH, I was so sad. Luckily, AFTER the girls came down and started opening I ran up and found the tapes, so I got some present opening on tape luckily. But nothing beats the faces they first show, I'll always remember them (from Mya at least, Ashley couldn't have cared less, lol).

the kitchen

Playing around before we go down.

When I was a kid, my dad would go downstairs first to 'make sure Santa came.' I am doing this too, I used to love that when I was little. We'd all line up, oldest to youngest and race down the stairs, once my dad said it was ok. We'd be so excited to see everything and I just always remember that. Last year Ry taped it while I came down with the bean, this year I taped it while Ry carried ging down and Mya came running down. Now, since I THOUGHT I was taping it, I didn't snap like any pics, GRRRR.

Checking it all out.

Looking at her new kitchen, she was loving it and could care less about the other gifts.

And the opening begins...Ashley was having fun watching Mya and playing with all the paper, typical!

She would open gifts and want to open them and play with them immediately. It made for a long morning. But that was ok cause the girls were both sick :( We had Ashley's 6 month (3 weeks late) checkup on Friday and took Mya with us. We asked the Dr to listen to both of them cause they both had coughs and runny noses and Mya sounded like she was starting to wheeze. I always get worried cause she gets bronchitis so easily and has had pneumonia before. So when Dr Sung listened to Ashley she said that she was just congested and just had a cold. Than she listened to Mya, and she told me that it sounded like she was getting bronchitis, so she put her on antibiotics. YAY, we thought, she'll be good for Christmas cause she's on the antibiotics now. Not so much, she ended up getting a little worse, the wheezing came more and nothing really got better. We took her back to the Dr on Tuesday and the Dr put her on a steroid and her nebulizer, now she's back to herself! Well, for the most part at least!
So anyway, back to the presents....

Ashley playing with her shape sorter Santa bought for her.

This was EPIC! Mya opened these undies I got her, opened them up and said "too big mommy!" I guess she doesn't realize the size of the ba donk a donk she's got! It was so funny, had Ry and I rolling. I think I actually got that one on tape too, SCORE!

....more presents...

She kept going back to the kitchen, she'd pick up the phone and just play, LOVING IT!

open mommy!


Playing with her new dollhouse and car.

Ashley was loving the piggy bank.

Thanks Santa!

Such a big girl these days.

Off to my parents for dinner. My Nona (aka Nona Nona) got Mya a radio flyer trike, SO CUTE!! And Mya absolutely LOVED IT, I mean look at that face, so sweet!

More presents, Mya got a TON of Belle stuff. Here's another Belle doll and Belle princess dress. IN LOVE!

Mags and Ging

the newlyweds! (will post about that later)

Loving her animals from Uncle Frank.

opening more presents...

silly girl

Riding her bike around the house.

Putting on her Belle dress, Titi got her one too!


Ashley watching everything Mya is doing!

fakest smile ever!

This was HYSTERICAL! Mya was being so silly. I wanted to get a pic of Mya and Mary and Mya wouldn't open her eyes... Mary opened them... I am...

...than she started winking, which was even funnier!

....didn't get one normal pic!

Ashley was worn out! was Tony...

After going back and forth about what we should do and shouldn't we decided not to take the girls to Ryan's dad's house. :( So sad because we always have so much fun there and Mya has so much fun with all the kids. We decided that (1) we didn't want to get any other kids sick and, (2) we didn't want Mya or Ashley to get worse than they were. Ry ended up going with Michael and I just took the girls home to get a good nights sleep. We missed you all and hope to see you all soon. xoxoxo

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