Thursday, June 6, 2013

snaps is 2!

Could this really be happening, both of my girls are over 2 now?  Where does the time go?  I so vividly remember the day that Ash was born like it was 2 months ago.  And here she is now, having conversations with us.  I remember how sweet and little and quiet and still she was when she was a newborn.  Oh my, how the tables have turned.  This kid not only talks SO SO MUCH, she doesn't stop moving until she's sleeping.  Ash came into our bed at 5:30 this past Monday morning (when Ry was leaving for work) and Mya was still sleeping (she basically comes into our bed every night around 3ish).  When Mya woke up around 6:15, I said to her, look, Ash isn't moving, she started laughing.  It's the truth, she's constantly moving and going and exploring.  I'm not a huge zodiac person but Ash is a Gemini and some of the key characteristics are energetic, imaginative, and restless, ALL of which Ash are.  And this just cracks me up, this is Ash SPOT ON!  Gemini are extremely independent. They will not be pinned down by anyone or any rules. They need to experience the world on their own. Change and freedom are extremely important to Gemini, they will never let anyone dictate them, they are extremely independent and freedom is essential to their mental well being.  OY!  TO THE T!
Ash, you have kept me on my feet since the day you started walking, at a year on the dot!  You are not only super independent, but you are also super loving.  You so randomly whisper 'I love you's' into not only my ears but so many others.  You are tough as nails, but also have a heart of gold.  Your meltdowns are wicked when things don't go exactly your way.  You are a bird when it comes to eating, although you will eat 3 plates of breakfast.  Some of your favorite foods are avocado, like can literally eat an entire avocado by yourself, oatmeal, omelets with a ton of veggies, ice cream (typical in this house), grapes, watermelon, teddy grahams, and bread, she LOVES bread!  Chocolate milk is her drink of choice.
If they made a size 18-24 month tall, that'd be her size in pants.  She's so skinny and tall.  So she needs a size 3T tops, but the 3T bottoms fall off of her. 
She goes pee on the potty ALOT, we haven't really done potty training but I think when I'm off for a few days in June, I might try, I think she's been ready. 
She loves running around naked, and I can't help but let her cause seeing her skinny little body cracks me up!
She likes to wear her big sissy's clothes, especially her pj's.  But even in the morning when Mya is getting ready, she'll pull some pants out, run to me and say, "put these on."  When I tell her no, cause lets face it, a size 5 will fall right off of her pancake booty, she cranks.  Sorry kid.
A few of the things you say ALL THE TIME are:
"mommy (or daddy) I need you"
"I want that RIGHT NOW!"
"Have a good day!" Literally cracks me up! 
"I love you" may be my favorite.
"I wanna do dat"
I mean seriously I could write a million things cause this kid talks SO MUCH!  You are so smart little one. 
You say your ABC's and can count to 10.  Mommy and daddy are so proud!

Your 2 year stats from the Dr are:
Weight - 28 lbs 3.5 ozs (50-75%)
Height - 35.75 in (90-95%)
Have to add this pic from her well visit this past Tuesday (6/4).  Ry was cracking her up!
So onto her actual birthday.  Ry and I had NO idea what to get this kid.  She doesn't need clothes, she doesn't really need anything to be honest.  She LOVES Dora, so we got her this little Dora 4-wheeler, literally, the night before her birthday.  Ry set it all up and Mya actually wrapped all the gifts, cause she picked out everything else.  Which included a book, bath doll with all the extras, an umbrella and princess shoes.
Ry went and also got a ton of balloons to decorate the downstairs.
Streamers and balloons!
And her birthday sign from her 1st birthday party!
Rise and shine and ready to head downstairs to open up her goodies.  Don't mind Mya who had to do her makeup before she went down.  Literally blush all over her face!
Sorry, I can't pick just one.
OH so excited!!!
Opening up the gifts.  Mya helped, of course.
Reading Ash her card that she made for her.
The first of many happy birthday's!!!  Yup, right in her oatmeal.
Making her wish.
Dewey came by before work.
For her birthday we headed down to Jenks Aquarium, then to the beach.  Alexis and JoJo came too.  It was so much fun!  Thanks for coming with us guys, love you.
Ash is so thrilled to be there, can you tell?
Once we got in, it took about 2 seconds for her to want out of her stroller.
JoJo was loving the shark tank.
Love these little girls.
Ash was telling JoJo all about the animals, lol.
sissy love
Ash NEVER looks!
So Alexis just took one of Mya and I.
Still, won't look for the life of me.
LOVE this. 
Put the camera on the timer and got a group shot.
Onto the beach, one of Ashley's favorite spots.  This kid is a whirlwind, but there are some days, when we go to the beach, where she's so calm and relaxed.  It's lovely!  Last weekend when we went to the beach, the kid literally laid with her shorts and tank on, in the sand, for 15 minutes, lightly blowing the sand to see it move.  It was so cute.
Mya and JoJo
Meanwhile, Ash was taking all the munchkins and licking the sugar off.
 Ash was cracking JoJo up.  She was throwing sand onto the towel and he'd crack up.  It was adorable.
 I can't even take this kid.  SO SO SO DARN CUTE!
  My curly q
 Ash LOVES Alexis.  At one point she wanted nothing to do with me, and only wanted Alexis.  I tried to relieve her and said, how about mommy, she stopped and said, NO A-WEX-IS!  LOL!
 Running up and down.
 Mya made some sand angels, lol.
 In her element.
The girls passed out on the way home, and thank god they did cause we had some fam over for cake after! 

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