Wednesday, June 26, 2013

girls pool day

Last Friday we went to the Leonhardts for a pool day.  Regan and her cuties came too, which was awesome.  The girl were super excited to get in their suits and get pool ready once we got there.
And in goes Mya.
Ash took a rest for some chips and guac.
Look Mom, I'm balancing the board.
Some of the girlies.
I can't take this cute little backside!
Having a great time!
Lunchtime for the kids.
This was so cute, Mya and Gia went under the hammock to hang for a bit.
After they got up, Ash and Jack went over. 
Mya and Reese on the raft. 
Mya is SO brave in the water.  I think we really need to get her some swim lessons.  Ash too (not the swim lessons part) but she's so brave.  Loves to jump in and is constantly saying, "I do it myself mommy."  Love seeing these girls so into the water. 

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