Tuesday, September 7, 2010


My very best friends brother (he's like my 3rd brother) entered an idea of his into the Pepsi Refresh Project Challenge. You've probably seen it on TV, online, or in the stores with Pepsi products. Hi idea has been approved by Pepsi Cola LLC, and he is now in the running for grant money to get his idea off the ground. It's a chance to do something good, and it's for a great project.
His idea is for a non-profit organization called "Fireman's Carry" "Help families devastated by fire across NJ get their lives back." The top 10 voted ideas for each month in their respective money categories are awarded the grant for their project (they are broken down into four grant money categories 5K, 25K, 50K, and 250K respectively. My friend entered into the 25K). So here is where he needs your help. You can vote for him EVERYDAY (it takes 2 seconds from your computer or cell phone). Here is the link to his page...
Thanks so much for all of your help!

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